Leading companies use automation both in business and IT to free up employees so they can focus on what they do best.

Maximizing compliance: Integrating gen AI into the financial regulatory framework

8 min read - In an era where financial institutions are under increasing scrutiny to comply with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) regulations, leveraging advanced technologies like generative AI presents a significant opportunity. Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 can enhance AML and BSA programs, driving compliance and efficiency in the financial sector, but there are risks involved with deploying gen AI solutions to production. Financial institutions face a complex regulatory environment that demands robust compliance mechanisms. The integration of…

Why authoritative DNS performance is so hard to measure—and what we did about it

3 min read - The Domain Name System (DNS) is rightly celebrated as the protocol that makes the internet possible. DNS is known as the phonebook of the internet because it translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load internet resources. It usually works sufficiently enough that most network teams barely pause to think about it. Yet DNS also has the dubious distinction of being the protocol that breaks the internet or slows it down. “It’s always DNS” isn’t just a meme…

The business-IT connection: Real-time insights with Instana Observability

4 min read - Applications play a crucial role in both business and IT operations. However, IT organizations often lack visibility into the specific business processes their applications support and They also lack visibility into how these processes connect with the underlying systems. Business processes are a collection of linked activities that produce a business outcome. These processes run across different IT systems, including mobile and web platforms, applications and the infrastructure they rely on. Business process management (BPM) tools play a pivotal role…

IBM Event Automation on AWS Marketplace

2 min read - IBM Event Automation is now available on AWS Marketplace. This marks a significant milestone in enhancing accessibility and deployment flexibility for enterprise customers worldwide. As of now, businesses can procure IBM Event Automation as self-managed software through AWS, leveraging their existing AWS Marketplace Enterprise Discount Program (EDP) budgets. This allows businesses to acquire subscription licenses under the bring your own license (BYOL) model. This development opens up new avenues for organizations seeking robust event-driven architecture capabilities integrated seamlessly into their AWS environments. By…

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