IBM Support

2018 Q4 Navigator for i PTFs



2018 Q4 Navigator for i PTFs


You are in: IBM i Technology Updates  > IBM Navigator for i > IBM Navigator for i PTFs > 2018 Q4 Navigator for i PTFs

Enhancements and fix details for IBM Navigator for i PTFs. 

For the PTF information please see the PTFs page. 

<-- Prev SP details  Next SP details -->

Note: There was not a PTF released for 2018 Q3.

The following fixes and updates are included in the 2018  Q4 PTFs:


  • Performance Task on the web enhancements can be found here: Performance Data Investigator page.

  • SMPT new feature & distribution list function

  • Monitors:
    1. Stop/Start Monitor Server action
    2. Copy Monitor to another system from list of Target Systems
    3. Add date & time info to the monitor log
    4. Add non standard message ID to message monitor

Fixes for IBM Navigator for i

  1. Journal Viewer - Avoid SQL error message on Journal Viewer when minimized
  2. IFS - action manager not initialized
  3. Internet Key Exchange Policies - fix for IPv6 address error
  4. Restore 3DES for data policy and internet key policy
  5. System i SMTP Server problem with password
  6. DNS host record question resolved
  7. Fix for problem with SSHD server not starting
  8. When using rules editor, fix for problem with Navigator altering ports
  9. PDI:
    1. PML update to CPU Utilization Overview query
    2. Memory pool size doesn't match WRKSHRPOOL
  10. Change HTTP/spn to lowercase for consistency with other web products
  11. Maximum "Associations" pro Identifier should be more than 100
  12. EIM: Parent DN "None" should be translated
  13. IDS: Allow save on first item of the range list of ports
  14. Page Segments list & in AFP include fix
  15. Fix for prompting problem with CHGJRN
  16. Change for Create Server wizard URL
  17. Fix for Display Job Description panel not including all data
  18. Fix for nullPointerException when navigating IFS in right pane of Navigator

Detail on PTF apply:

This PTF will enable IBM i Navigator for Java 8.  To ensure Java 8 will be used, make sure licensed program 5770JV1 Option 17 (Java SE 8 64-bit) is installed before applying this PTF.

1.  Enter the following command to stop the QHTTPSVR subsystem before  applying PTF:


Note: Make sure that QHTTPSVR subsystem ended, then you could go to next step.

2.  Apply or remove this PTF (immediate mode).
3.  Start the QHTTPSVR subsystem using:
4.  Start the ADMIN2 job using:
5.  It is highly recommended to clear the browser cache  after applying this PTF.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
23 January 2020

