IBM Support

2018 Q2 Navigator for i PTFs



2018 Q2 Navigator for i PTFs


You are in: IBM i Technology Updates  > IBM Navigator for i > IBM Navigator for i PTFs > 2018 Q2 Navigator for i PTFs

Enhancements and fix details for IBM Navigator for i PTFs. 

For the PTF information please see the PTFs page. 

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The following fixes and updates are included in the 2018  Q2  PTFs:

Component Enhancements:

Fixes for IBM Navigator for i

  1. Application Administration window did not load
  2. When users with *PGMR authority are using IBM Navigator for i, they were not seeing the correct database name on the Database and Journal Welcome pages.  Changes were made so that users are not required to have QSECOFR authority to the database (or through Application Administration)
  3. User preferences were not remembered in Navigator for i in certain situations.  For example, adding a new EIM Domain and adding Favorites were not being remembered across user sessions.  Now if a user adds a new domain, that domain will appear as expected in Domain Management and Favorites are remembered as expected.
  4. In SMTP Properties, adding a host name with a dash ('-') character would result in an error.  This would occur under the Authentication tab of SMT Properties when clicking the Add button for Logon information of the relay server.  Now the host name is saved with quotes so that the dash can be used in the name without problems.

Detail on PTF apply:

This PTF will enable IBM i Navigator for Java 8.  To ensure Java 8 will be used, make sure licensed program 5770JV1 Option 17 (Java SE 8 64-bit) is installed before applying this PTF.

1.  Enter the following command to stop the QHTTPSVR subsystem before  applying PTF:


Note: Make sure that QHTTPSVR subsystem ended, then you could go to next step.

2.  Apply or remove this PTF (immediate mode).
3.  Start the QHTTPSVR subsystem using:
4.  Start the ADMIN2 job using:
5.  It is highly recommended to clear the browser cache  after applying this PTF.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
23 January 2020

