Class pvr.widget.editors._FormattedDropDownEditor

Extends pvr.widget.editors._DropDownEditor.
Extends pvr.widget.editors._DropDownEditor to provide an abstract drop-down editor which uses a pvr.widget.editors.formatters.Formatter object or an object of an extended class to format the value(s) in the summary.

The extended class must implement the createFormatter method to provide the specific formatter object required to format the value(s). The extended class may optionally override the destroyFormatter method to provide any additional clean-up when destroying the formatter.

Defined in: <pvr\widget\editors\_FormattedDropDownEditor.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class pvr.widget.editors._DropDownEditor:
dropDownStyle, duplicatesError, externalError, internalError, readOnly, value

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Creates the formatter object.
Destroys the formatter object.
Overrides this method to use the formatter to create the summary.
Methods borrowed from class pvr.widget.editors._DropDownEditor:
adjustDuplicatesError, adjustPendingError, adjustPendingValue, adjustWidth, allowDuplicates, buildRendering, displayMessage, focus, getErrorMessage, isValid, onChange, postCreate, postMixInProperties, resetWidth, validate

Constructor Detail


Method Detail


Creates the formatter object. You must override this method in your extended class.



Destroys the formatter object.


Overrides this method to use the formatter to create the summary.
