
The AboutPane widget is a pane presenting information about an IBM One UI application in a standard way. It extends dojox/mobile/Container to perform initialisation and configuration, and can be included into Views as required to present product information.

To create the pane, initialise the widget with the required properties. The appropriate HTML and CSS is created immediately, and subsidiary dijit components may be created and marshalled.

Defined in: <idx\mobile\AboutPane.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a new "About" pane.

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The product build identifier (optional).
The copyright year or years that should be inserted into the legal information.
The copyright or other legal information that should be displayed.
An array of names of third-party logos to be displayed.
The product name (required), to a maximum of 90 characters.
Additional trademark information that should be inserted into the legal information.
The product version (optional) in the form "V", "V.r", "V.r.m" or "V.r.m.f".

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description

Constructor Detail

Creates a new "About" pane.
var about = new{

Field Detail

{string} build

The product build identifier (optional).


The copyright year or years that should be inserted into the legal information. This may be a single year number or a comma-separated list of year numbers. The default is '2012'.

{string} legal

The copyright or other legal information that should be displayed. This may include simple HTML mark-up (e.g. for special characters or emphasis). It may also include string substitutions, eg ${copyright}.


An array of names of third-party logos to be displayed. There are no pre-defined names currently defined.

{string} name

The product name (required), to a maximum of 90 characters. This may include simple HTML mark-up (e.g. for special characters or emphasis).


Additional trademark information that should be inserted into the legal information. This may include simple HTML mark-up (e.g. for special characters or emphasis). The exact text from should be used for the special non-IBM trademarks that appear on the label. If there is insufficient space, consult with your Division Intellectual Property attorney.

{string} version

The product version (optional) in the form "V", "V.r", "V.r.m" or "V.r.m.f".

Method Detail

