Namespace idx.grid.util

Provides a set of grid column formatters
Defined in: <idx\grid\util.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
idx.grid.util.formatCellCritical(Value, Row, Cell)
Formatter that sets a custom class for the grid cell in the row, based on the value of the cell.
idx.grid.util.formatCellDatraHierachical(Value, Row, cellId, cell)
Formatter that returns a formatted cell with an icon indicating a hierarchical item.
idx.grid.util.formatCellEdit(Value, Row)
Formatter to add the edit pencil icon into a grid cell, indicating that cell is editable.
idx.grid.util.formatCellValid(Value, Row)
Formatter that returns a formatted cell with an icon indicating whether it is valid or not.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

<static> {String} idx.grid.util.formatCellCritical(Value, Row, Cell)

Formatter that sets a custom class for the grid cell in the row, based on the value of the cell. Cells that are not flagged are not formatted. Uses CSS class 'idxGridIconFlag'.
{String} Value
of cell (text string)
{Integer} Row
index in grid
{Object} Cell
object in grid
{String} ""

<static> {String} idx.grid.util.formatCellDatraHierachical(Value, Row, cellId, cell)

Formatter that returns a formatted cell with an icon indicating a hierarchical item. Deprecated, due to square bullet provided now by rule: .vienna .dojoxGridTreeModel .dojoxGridNoChildren .dojoxGridExpando in main viennaGrid.css.
{String} Value
of cell (text string)
{Integer} Row
rowIdx in grid
{Array} cellId
{Object} cell
{String} HTML markup formatted cell

<static> {String} idx.grid.util.formatCellEdit(Value, Row)

Formatter to add the edit pencil icon into a grid cell, indicating that cell is editable. Adds the pencil icon to the right of the cell text. Uses CSS class 'idxGridIconEdit'.
{String} Value
of cell (text string)
{Integer} Row
rowIdx in grid
{String} HTML markup formatted cell

<static> {String} idx.grid.util.formatCellValid(Value, Row)

Formatter that returns a formatted cell with an icon indicating whether it is valid or not. Uses CSS classes 'idxGridIconPasssed', 'idxGridIconFailed' and 'idxGridIconText'.
{String} Value
of cell (text string)
{Integer} Row
rowIdx in grid
{String} HTML markup formatted cell