Web Plot Tab

Web. Select to create a web graph illustrating the strength of relationships between all specified fields.

Directed web. Select to create a directional web graph illustrating the strength of relationships between multiple fields and the values of one field, such as gender or religion. When this option is selected, a To Field is activated and the Fields control below is renamed From Fields for additional clarity.

To Field (directed web only). Select a flag or nominal field used for a directed web. Only fields that have not been explicitly set as numeric are listed.

Fields/From Fields. Select fields to create a web graph. Only fields that have not been explicitly set as numeric are listed. Use the Field Chooser button to select multiple fields or select fields by type.

Note: For a directed web, this control is used to select From fields.

Show true flags only. Select to display only true flags for a flag field. This option simplifies the web display and is often used for data where the occurrence of positive values is of special importance.

Line values are. Select a threshold type from the drop-down list.

Note: For directed web graphs, the third and fourth options above are not available. Instead, you can select Percentage of "To" field/value and Percentage of "From" field/value.

Strong links are heavier. Selected by default, this is the standard way of viewing links between fields.

Weak links are heavier. Select to reverse the meaning of links displayed in bold lines. This option is frequently used for fraud detection or examination of outliers.