Web Options Tab

The Options tab for Web nodes contains a number of additional options to customize the output graph.

Number of Links. The following options are used to control the number of links displayed in the output graph. Some of these options, such as Weak links above and Strong links above, are also available in the output graph window. You can also use a slider control in the final graph to adjust the number of links displayed.

Discard if very few records. Select to ignore connections that are supported by too few records. Set the threshold for this option by entering a number in Min. records/line.

Discard if very many records. Select to ignore strongly supported connections. Enter a number in Max. records/line.

Weak links below. Specify a number indicating the threshold for weak connections (dotted lines) and regular connections (normal lines). All connections below this value are considered weak.

Strong links above. Specify a threshold for strong connections (heavy lines) and regular connections (normal lines). All connections above this value are considered strong.

Link Size. Specify options for controlling the size of links:

Web Display. Select a type of web display:

Figure 1. Web graph showing strong connections from frozenmeal and cannedveg to other grocery items
Web graph showing strong connections from frozenmeal and cannedveg to other grocery items
Note: When filtering the displayed links (using either the slider in the web graph or the Show only links above control on the Web node's Options tab), you may end up in a situation where all the links that remain to be displayed are of a single value (in other words, they're either all weak links, all medium links, or all strong links, as defined by the Weak links below and Strong links above controls on the Web node's Options tab). If this happens, all the links are all displayed with the medium width line in the web graph output.