Class pvr.widget.Property

Extends pvr.widget._Property.
Represents a property in the view.

The rendering of the pvr.widget.Property object varies depending on the type of container in which it's rendered. In general, the property widget rendering consists of the property label, the help icon and the editor widget where the property value can be edited. In some cases, the editor widget itself is responsible for rendering the label and the help icon. In such cases, the property object's label and help icon are hidden.

The pvr.widget.Property object is responsible for inspecting and reconciling the settings defined within the pvr.controller._PropertyController and the view definition. It passes these reconciled settings to the editor widget which enforces them.

Defined in: <pvr\widget\Property.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Fields borrowed from class pvr.widget._Property:
binding, collectionController, container, controller, defaultValue, editor, editorConfig, editorParams, editorWidget, help, hidden, innerEditor, innerEditorConfig, innerEditorParams, label, labelFontSetting, lateBound, lateBoundType, multiEditor, multiEditorParams, readOnly, required, view

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Methods borrowed from class pvr.widget._Property:
buildRendering, computeEditorParamName, computeEditorParams, computeEditorParamValue, computeInnerEditorParamName, computeInnerEditorParams, computeInnerEditorParamValue, destroyRecursive, get, isModified, isSupportedEditorParam, isSupportedInnerEditorParam, isValid, layout, onChange, postCreate, resetModified

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

