Class idx.bus.BusMessage

EXPERIMENTAL API: Message for use with idx.bus
Defined in: <idx\bus\BusMessage.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The object containing any additional arguments for handling the message.
Set to true to broadcast the message upstream even if it has already been handled by at least one subscriber within the local scope, otherwise set to false if the message should only be propagated upstream if it has not been handled within local scope.
The message type is a string that uniquely defines an action to be taken.
The scope for the message.
The source of the requested action.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
appendResult(source, result)
Appends the result
Constructs with the specified arguments.
Access for results length
Accessor for result count

Constructor Detail


Field Detail

{Object} args

The object containing any additional arguments for handling the message.
Default Value:

{Boolean} broadcast

Set to true to broadcast the message upstream even if it has already been handled by at least one subscriber within the local scope, otherwise set to false if the message should only be propagated upstream if it has not been handled within local scope.
Default Value:

{String} messageType

The message type is a string that uniquely defines an action to be taken. The set of handled messages depends on the subscribers that are subscribed to the bus. Specific subscribers can be designed to handle certain messages while leaving other kinds to other subscribers.
Default Value:

{String} scope

The scope for the message. If the message is targeted at a specific scope it is easier for subscribers to filter it and prevent action names from overlapping in namespaces. Some subscribers may in fact listen to all action scopes.
Default Value:

{String} source

The source of the requested action.
Default Value:

Method Detail

appendResult(source, result)

Appends the result
{Object} source
{Object} result


Constructs with the specified arguments.
{Object} args


Access for results length

{Boolean} isHandled()

Accessor for result count