Class ecm.widget.virtualViewer.AddViewoneEditedItemDialog

Extends ecm.widget.dialog.AddContentItemDialog.
Provides a dialog that is used to add documents with Daeja content source to a repository.
Defined in: <ecm\widget\virtualViewer\AddViewoneEditedItemDialog.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
When the parentFolder is assigned, this boolean option overrides the default behavior for whether or not the user is allowed to browse for a different folder.
Fields borrowed from class ecm.widget.dialog.AddContentItemDialog:
destroyWhenFinished, parentFolder, repository, showEntryTemplateName, singleDocumentSelect
Fields borrowed from class ecm.widget.dialog.BaseDialog:
expandable, fitContentArea, lockFullscreen

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Methods borrowed from class ecm.widget.dialog.AddContentItemDialog:
addFolderInMemory, applyEntryTemplate, getDaejaContent, getDaejaPartFileName, getRedactionPartFileName, hasDaejaContent, hasRedactionContent, isValid, onAdd, onAddFailed, onAddFinished, onCancel, setDaejaContent, setDaejaPartFileName, setDefaultContentClass, setFiles, setRedactionContent, setShowWarnings, show, showUsingTemplateItem
Methods borrowed from class ecm.widget.dialog.BaseDialog:
addButton, appendSecondaryMessage, buildRendering, clearMessage, clearSecondaryMessage, hide, isMaximized, onDragOver, resize, setExpandable, setIntroText, setIntroTextRef, setMaximized, setMessage, setReferenceLink, setResizable, setSize, setSizeToViewportRatio, setTitle, setWidth, showActionBar

Constructor Detail


Field Detail


When the parentFolder is assigned, this boolean option overrides the default behavior for whether or not the user is allowed to browse for a different folder. When adding content provided by Daeja, the default behavior is to allow the user to browse to a different folder.

Method Detail



