
Extends dijit._TemplatedMixin, dijit._Widget.
The Header widget generates the HTML and CSS to provide an IBM One UI header according to the design specification and templates.

To construct a header, initialise the widget with the required properties. The appropriate HTML and CSS is created immediately, and subsidiary dijit components may be created and marshalled. No dynamic layout is performed: once the HTML has been injected into the DOM, all layout is delegated to the renderer and associated CSS rules.

Defined in: <idx\app\Header.js>.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a new

Field Summary

Field Attributes Field Name and Description
An array of objects defining actions which will be displayed as action buttons in the context part of the header.
Text containing additional context information, such as when page content was last updated and by whom.
The base CSS class for the widget.
The id of a content container which is to be controlled by tabs included in the header, or the widget itself.
If true, content tabs will be placed on the same line as a context title and/or other secondary banner content.
A dijit.Menu to be used as the popup of available site help actions.
Specifies the desired layout mode, which can be "fixed" for a fixed-width layout independent of the browser width (extra space will be left at the side margins, and a scroll bar will appear if the browser window is too narrow) or "variable" for a variable-width layout that exploits the full browser window width (extra space will be left within the layout, which will change as the browser window is resized).
A menu bar, which can contain items and popup menu items, which will be displayed as navigation actions/menus in the header.
The desired style of primary (black) banner: "thick" or "thin".
Specifies that a primary search box should be included in the header, and supplies the parameters for it.
The IBM Brand/product name.
The desired style of secondary (context) banner: "blue" or "lightgrey".
Specifies that a secondary search box should be included in the header, and supplies the parameters for it.
A subtitle which gives additional context information.
The context title which shows users where they are, for example if they have arrived here by selecting a menu item.
A dijit.Menu to be used as the popup of available site settings actions.
True (the default) if a drop-down arrow affordance is to be shown on the site help icon when a popup menu of site help items is supplied.
True (the default) if navigation menu items that have a popup menu associated with them are to show a drop-down arrow affordance.
True (the default) if a drop-down arrow affordance is to be shown on the site settings icon when a popup menu of site settings items is supplied.
True (the default) if a drop-down arrow affordance is to be shown on the user identification when a popup menu of user actions is supplied.
The identity of the user to be included in the header.

Method Summary

Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Overridden so that the child is run through setup after being added and a refresh is triggered or at least a flag is set indicating it is needed.
Sets the flag to defer refresh.
Return the textbox widget.
Clears the refresh deferral flag and refresshes the header.
Overridden to handle the special children so as to clear out help, navigation, or settings as needed.

Constructor Detail

Creates a new
var hdr = new{ primaryTitle: "Hello" }, "myHeader");

Field Detail

{Object[]} actions

An array of objects defining actions which will be displayed as action buttons in the context part of the header. Each object must contain the following properties:

{string} additionalContext

Text containing additional context information, such as when page content was last updated and by whom.


The base CSS class for the widget.

{string | dijit.StackContainer} contentContainer

The id of a content container which is to be controlled by tabs included in the header, or the widget itself. Each ContentPane in the StackContainer may additionally include the following properties (all optional):

{boolean} contentTabsInline

If true, content tabs will be placed on the same line as a context title and/or other secondary banner content. If false, the tabs will occupy their own row within the secondary banner. The default value is false.

{dijit.Menu | dijit.MenuItem} help

A dijit.Menu to be used as the popup of available site help actions. If a single dijit.MenuItem is supplied, a simple site help action will be presented and onClick will be triggered on the menu item when that action is selected.

{string} layoutType

Specifies the desired layout mode, which can be "fixed" for a fixed-width layout independent of the browser width (extra space will be left at the side margins, and a scroll bar will appear if the browser window is too narrow) or "variable" for a variable-width layout that exploits the full browser window width (extra space will be left within the layout, which will change as the browser window is resized).
Default Value:

{string | dijit.MenuBar | DOMNode} navigation

A menu bar, which can contain items and popup menu items, which will be displayed as navigation actions/menus in the header. The menu bar may be supplied as an instance or by id or as a DOM node.

{string} primaryBannerType

The desired style of primary (black) banner: "thick" or "thin".
Default Value:

{Object} primarySearch

Specifies that a primary search box should be included in the header, and supplies the parameters for it. All the properties are optional:

{string} primaryTitle

The IBM Brand/product name.

{string} secondaryBannerType

The desired style of secondary (context) banner: "blue" or "lightgrey".
Default Value:

{Object} secondarySearch

Specifies that a secondary search box should be included in the header, and supplies the parameters for it. All the properties are optional:

{string} secondarySubtitle

A subtitle which gives additional context information.

{string} secondaryTitle

The context title which shows users where they are, for example if they have arrived here by selecting a menu item.

{dijit.Menu | dijit.MenuItem} settings

A dijit.Menu to be used as the popup of available site settings actions. If a single dijit.MenuItem is supplied, a simple site settings action will be presented and onClick will be triggered on the menu item when that action is selected.

{boolean} showHelpDropDownArrow

True (the default) if a drop-down arrow affordance is to be shown on the site help icon when a popup menu of site help items is supplied. If false, a drop-down arrow is not shown on the site help icon.

{boolean} showNavigationDropDownArrows

True (the default) if navigation menu items that have a popup menu associated with them are to show a drop-down arrow affordance. If false, drop-down arrows are not shown on navigation items.

{boolean} showSettingsDropDownArrow

True (the default) if a drop-down arrow affordance is to be shown on the site settings icon when a popup menu of site settings items is supplied. If false, a drop-down arrow is not shown on the site settings icon.

{boolean} showUserDropDownArrow

True (the default) if a drop-down arrow affordance is to be shown on the user identification when a popup menu of user actions is supplied. If false, a drop-down arrow is not shown on the user identification.

{Object} user

The identity of the user to be included in the header. All properties are optional.

Method Detail


Overridden so that the child is run through setup after being added and a refresh is triggered or at least a flag is set indicating it is needed.


Sets the flag to defer refresh. This means that changes to the header will not immediately change the header but rather a call to "refresh()" will be required to trigger a change.



Return the textbox widget.
{boolean} isSecondary
indicating which widget should be returned the primary textbox or the secondary textbox


Clears the refresh deferral flag and refresshes the header.


Overridden to handle the special children so as to clear out help, navigation, or settings as needed.