Home Security Randori Recon IBM Randori Recon
An attack surface management solution designed to uncover your exposures through the lens of an adversary
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Illustration depicting product features and benefits: discover shadow IT, reduce alert fatigue, manage attack surface, clarify and prioritize risks

IBM Randori Recon is an attack surface management SaaS that monitors internal and external attack surfaces for unexpected changes, blind spots, misconfigurations, and process failures. It is part of the IBM Security portfolio.

Uncover your attack surface risks, before attackers do

Enterprise attack surface continues to expand with digital transformation. While organizations have successfully fixed known vulnerabilities on managed organizational assets, the rapid adoption of hybrid cloud models and an increasingly remote workforce have made it nearly impossible for security teams to manage an expanding attack surface. Cyber risks get further compounded when organizations inherit an unknown attack surface during mergers and acquisitions (M&A). To know where adversaries will strike, you must see your attack surface as they do.

IBM Randori Recon, an external attack surface management SaaS, provides continuous asset discovery and risk prioritization from an attacker’s perspective. This cloud-native offering helps your SecOps team continuously monitor your attack surface to discover assets exposed to attackers and prioritize them based on adversarial temptation. Additionally, with bidirectional integrations that work seamlessly with your existing security stack, it helps improve your overall cybersecurity posture.

Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM Randori

Estimate the potential cost savings and business benefits that IBM Randori can bring to your specific business environment with the dynamic TEI calculator.

Check out the X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2024 for deeper insight into attackers’ tactics and recommendations to protect against threats

Why Randori Forrester Consulting recently conducted a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study of IBM Randori. The 2023 IBM-commissioned study found several benefits, including: Register for the Forrester TEI study 303%

return on investment over 3 years.*


fewer hours of vulnerability scanning per year.*


reduction in losses due to external attack.*

Benefits Clarify your cyber risk

Make informed decisions using continuous asset discovery and risk-based prioritization to get an accurate view of your attack surface.

Drive program efficiencies

Reduce the time and effort your security team spends on vulnerability scanning and attack surface exposure analysis.

Streamline operations

Eliminate data silos by using bidirectional integrations that work with your existing security stack and improve the effectiveness of your security tools.




Discovery Helps identify your external and internal organizational exposures, including IPv6 assets, in a high-fidelity and low-impact manner while reducing false positives to keep your signal-to-noise ratio under control.

Discovery path Helps act on newly identified assets without additional research by showing how a particular asset was located on the perimeter.

Risk-based prioritization Helps prioritize your enterprise's top targets with our model that gets you on track quickly with the adversarial insights you need to determine impact and risk.

Remediation guidance Helps improve your cyber resilience by implementing remediation best practices across your infrastructure with adversarial insights.

Vulnerability validation Confirm whether common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) exist on your external attack surface and are exploitable.

Security Testing Provides dynamic control validation, on-device MITRE ATT&CK testing, and vulnerability exploitation to enable continuous assessment of your organization's defenses against real-world internal or external threats.

Use cases
M&A risk management During an M&A, your company inherits the attack surface of another organization, which may have unknown vulnerabilities and weaknesses. By conducting a non-disruptive attack surface review with Randori Recon, you can identify and prioritize the most critical risks. Learn more

Shadow IT discovery Discover assets unknown to your organization, on-premises or in cloud, before an attacker does. With Randori Recon, you gain insights from an adversarial perspective to prioritize threats and make informed risk decisions. Learn more
How we help

IBM Security’s differentiated approach evolves with your business. Compare options for getting started with IBM Security products and solutions, including free trials, services, and partners.


Test out the attack surface management features in real-world scenarios. Explore Randori Recon with our free 7-day trial to familiarize yourself with the user interface and customization options.

Start your free trial
Work with Services/Consulting

IBM Consulting operates as a trusted partner, providing advisory, integration, managed security services, and offensive and defensive capabilities, to help you create adaptive, tailored security programs.

Work with Partners

Explore our extensive partner network and get help from an IBM Business Partner who specializes in security and managed security worldwide.

How to buy

Talk to an IBM representative to learn more about the pricing and packaging models of the IBM Randori Recon SaaS offering.

Resources IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2024

Gain actionable insights to understand how threat actors are waging attacks, so you can proactively protect your organization against today’s threat landscape.

IBM Randori Recon: Attack surface management

View your attack surface as attackers do. IBM Randori Recon provides continuous asset discovery and issue prioritization from an attacker’s perspective.

Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024

Be better prepared for breaches by understanding their causes and the factors that increase or reduce costs. Learn from the experiences of over 550 organizations hit by a data breach.

Related products IBM QRadar SIEM

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Accelerate incident response with automation and process standardization.

IBM® X-Force® Exchange

Make informed security decisions with actionable threat intelligence to stay one step ahead of emerging threats.

Take the next step

Take control of your attack surface today. See how IBM Randori Recon can help you manage the expansion of your digital footprint and get on target quickly with fewer false positives.

Request a demo Get a price estimate

The Total Economic Impact of IBM Randori is a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of IBM, published in June 2023. Based on projected results of a composite organization modeled from 4 interviewed IBM clients. Actual results will vary based on client configurations and conditions; generally expected results cannot be provided.