
Case Studies


Wix builds speed into user sentiment prediction with AI  
Wix + IBM
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Overcoming delays in providing customer service and soliciting feedback

Wix, a leading SaaS website building platform for creating, managing and growing a global, digital presence for over 263 million users worldwide, was an early adopter of the innovation and technology that enables businesses to build a powerful digital presence on the internet. The Wix customer care representatives are responsible primarily for guiding Wix customers in building and setting up their online businesses.

Wix customer care support of Wix users takes the form of conversations, which sometimes can become quite long, naturally. Traditional sentiment analysis models fail to support conversation datasets, especially long ones. Another shortcoming of traditional sentiment analysis is a lack of support for highly subjective subjects, such as if something is said to be beautiful. Wix customer care set a goal to understand and anticipate its customers’ sentiment toward Wix’s products and sentiment for the actual support services. Traditional ways of achieving this understanding are through surveys, which only about 20% of users complete, and the survey results can be highly biased. Conducting these surveys also takes time, which delays the representatives’ primary responsibility of helping customers build websites.

From 20% to 100% increase in interactions covered by sentiment analysis Instant feedback on interaction sentiment compared to manual process before
Applying AI to customer care

Wix enlisted the expertise of the IBM® CTO Office, IBM Research®, IBM Expert Labs and IBM Client Engineering to address a critical challenge: comprehensively understanding the sentiment of every Wix customer interaction with Wix support, quickly and accurately. Collaboratively, IBM and Wix researched and developed a machine learning model with the IBM watsonx.ai AI studio. Then watsonx.ai enabled the teams to collaborate on a shared development environment using notebooks, share data by Wix, train and test the system quickly and, eventually, integrate the system with GPUs to ensure swift inference directly from the notebooks, streamlining the entire process.

Accelerating user insight for enhanced customer care with AI

The test was a success. The developed product was deployed into production, and Wix’s customer care management now actively uses it to continuously monitor users’ sentiment toward Wix products and Wix support services. While adhering to strict data protection regulations, the model is now active on about 50% of Wix support interactions, soon to expand to 100%. It is used to create an important KPI that measures the quality of Wix support and is gaining trust of customer care in the AI model analysis.

Being able to monitor users’ sentiment in real time enables Wix customer care management to optimize its representatives’ operations as well as fine-tune Wix products according to users’ feedback. The implementation of this project was so successful that this model’s sentiment prediction has now become one of Wix’s main KPIs that it tracks and uses to guide its entire organization accordingly.

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About Wix

Founded in 2006, Wix (link resides outside of ibm.com) is a leading SaaS website building platform that offers a complete solution from enterprise-grade infrastructure and business features to advanced SEO and marketing tools—enabling anyone to create and grow online.


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