
Case Studies

Fox Sports - Aspera

How FOX Sports won the World Cup
FOX Sports + IBM Aspera
Large wall of monitors displaying sports and interview broadcasts
Revolutionizing Edit@Home production

During the 2018 FIFA World Cup, FOX Sports needed to broadcast all 64 matches in HD and Ultra-HD to a US audience—without moving its state-of-the-art post-production operation from Los Angeles to Russia. It was a complicated challenge with a simple solution: IBM® Aspera®.

FOX Sports used Aspera Streaming technology to remotely edit content in near-real time. This groundbreaking, high-speed transfer technology allowed the broadcaster to shorten its production cycle by hours, an advancement that helped it deliver a seamless viewer experience at a fraction of the usual cost.

At FOX Sports, we’re always trying to be cutting edge, and we like to use our technologies on more than one event ... for us, this is an investment in the future. Kevin Callahan VP Field Operations Engineering FOX Sports
Maximum speed, minimum cost

During the FIFA World Cup 2018, FOX Sports sent over 2,700 total live feeds over commodity internet between Moscow and Los Angeles, despite Russia’s unique challenges with international data connectivity. From the Red Square studio set and 12 stadiums across Russia, program feeds arrived “ready to work” directly into editorial teams’ systems, within seconds of the live action. And all of it came with significant cost savings.

IBM Business Partner Telestream’s Lightspeed Live systems supported camera and other feeds, enabling all event-related content to be fully captured and made accessible within the FOX Sports content management system in the US.

To be able to write, from 6,000 miles away ... those growing files, baseband records ... straight to storage in Los Angeles for editors to pull straight into their Premiere and edit on a 10-second delay was pretty cool. Brandon Potter Director, Post-Production FOX Sports
<10 seconds time from live action in Russia to having editable footage in Los Angeles >2 petabytes of video transferred between Russia and the US over unmanaged internet 150+ feature highlights content created to support live coverage across two FOX channels
The Aspera implementation immediately improved the way we receive and process content. We’re able to receive programs faster than ever before and no longer waste time locating and sending missing assets or searching physical content. Judd Walliker Broadcast Services Manager FOX Sports Australia
Fox Sports logo
Solution component IBM® Aspera®
The ideal solution for streaming content across the globe

Unbeatable scale with sophisticated security: IBM Aspera can concurrently deliver hundreds of high bit rate streams, encrypt steaming video in transit, and authenticate securely.

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