


Securely transfer data of any size across any distance 100x faster with IBM Aspera
Address the challenges of big data movement over global WANs, enabling users to transfer large data sets securely and at maximum speed, regardless of network conditions or size.
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Transform your data into actionable insights
Transfer big data Proprietary FASP technology maximizes transfer speeds and security while avoiding network congestion. Explore data migration
Share and collaborate Store and access data across multiple clouds and on-premises data centers to enable teams to exchange multiple large files and folders reliably. Explore collaborate
Automate transfer workflows Maximize productivity and seamlessly move data between locations with built-in automation. Explore automation
Replicate and sync faster Securely replicate and synchronize any size data repository globally at maximum speed over WANs. Explore data sync
File transfer calculator

Speed is what matters: accelerate your data transfers by up to 100x with IBM Aspera.

Curious how fast you can move large files or datasets? Try our calculator and see how Aspera outperforms, even over challenging networks. Experience the speed difference today.


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Start your free 14-day trial

Register to get up to 14 days of free access to IBM Aspera on Cloud Standard Plus edition and 50GB of transfer volume, whichever happens first.

Illustration of a side view of a woman using her laptop with folders above her transfering files
Rosen Group has seen a 300% increase in file transfer speed of energy inspection data sets.

PacGenesis article