
Case Studies


Providing a secure and resilient data repository to speed up the delivery of broadcast content
Rear view of crowd at concert with hands raised in air

base powers a global media distribution portal and centralized storage hub using IBM Cloud, IBM Aspera and IBM Cloud Object Storage technology.

Business Challenge Story

base (link resides outside of ibm.com) was tasked with developing an easy-to-use, cost-effective file storage and distribution service for a sports broadcast distribution company. The platform had to meet data security, resiliency and redundancy requirements, and include a range of functionality in one bespoke solution.


Team base used the IBM Cloud platformIBM Aspera on Cloud and IBM Cloud Object Storage to power the global media distribution portal and provide a centralised storage hub for LCTV’s production partners around the world.

Results Centralised processes
The solution provides a single storage hub for all production suppliers to submit content in a secure manner, as well as an outbound distribution portal for the LCTV sales team
Increased efficiency
LCTV staff can now easily log in to their web browser and perform global content delivery, which would have previously taken days to complete
Cost savings
The solution removes the need for physical copies of data and for hard drives to be shipped around the world by expensive couriers
Business Challenge Story
Fast and secure global content distribution

base was approached by sports broadcast distribution company LCTV to provide an easy-to-use, web-based file storage and distribution service at a low cost that required minimal technical expertise and maintenance support. LCTV had been working with a number of different traditional media facilities in the UK and USA. In each case, a variety of content delivery methods were used, including digital tape and file-based masters. However, work was primarily manual, utilizing minimal automation, which was costly and time consuming. Furthermore, as a result of engaging traditional facilities for the work, the LCTV team had no direct access to, or ownership of their own data, which proved frustrating and impacted their efficiency.

LCTV wanted a self-service cloud solution that was fully managed by base so that the LCTV team could be freed up to concentrate on the core business of selling and distributing sports broadcast content more efficiently and at a lower cost. Key technical requirements included data security, resiliency and redundancy with instant access backup, archive and file sharing capabilities. Additional functionality that included simple file checking, automated transcoding and automated notifications services needed to be integrated into one bespoke solution for LCTV.

LCTV is proud to be working with base and IBM and has worked with the team to create a single file type for all our programming, delivering hundreds of hours of content each year to something like 100 TV networks around the world. Laura Cotterill Founder and Managing Director LCTV
Transformation Story
Powerful cloud-based file transfer and storage

As an IBM Business Partner and existing large-scale user of the IBM Cloud platform, base’s solutions team turned to the proven IBM Aspera On Cloud file transfer service upon which to build the backbone of LCTV’s global media distribution portal. By using the underlying IBM Cloud Object Storage, with built-in erasure coding of data across 3 separate UK data centres, the team was able to provide LCTV with increased data security, resiliency and geographic redundancy, out of the box.

IBM is responsible for the quality of the underlying storage stack, data centres and support, while the base solutions engineers and customer support teams are able to focus on the specialised tasks of developing cutting edge media workflow solutions, managing the deployment, as well as training and on-boarding LCTV users. By building the solution on IBM Cloud, base accelerated the time to launch and enjoyed the ability to quickly alter configurations based on the client’s needs.

The solution that is now in place enables over 80 global production partners to upload HD broadcast master files from around the world into one centralised storage hub with base, and have this content automatically checked and prepared for downstream distribution. Once master files are approved and ready for delivery, the LCTV sales team can easily login to a branded media portal and simply ‘click to send’ the assets to its broadcast customers at maximum speed, anywhere in the world, via standard internet connections.

Our system is designed with both us and the end user in mind, enabling our delivery team to very precisely provide programming to our networks when it is required and in an easy, secure and manageable system
Results Story
Centralised processes, greater speed, and cost savings

LCTV can now send approved assets to broadcast customers anywhere in the world via standard internet connections, all at the click of a button.The LCTV team has been freed upto concentrate on selling and distributing sports broadcast content, rather than managing a complex technology stack.

The base solution has redefined the way LCTV delivers broadcast media to hundreds of global buyers, saving the client time and money, while speeding up the process of selling and delivering broadcast content. By storing the data with IBM, LCTV have access to all their own material and have better control of archive materials for future monetisation while enjoying inherent cost-savings by having the data spread across multiple data centres with no added capital expense.

Furthermore, moving to an online file transfer service powered by Aspera on Cloud has enabled LCTV to eliminate the need for tape and hard drive shipments around the world by expensive couriers, further augmenting cost-savings.

From an operational point of view, slow and time-consuming manual tasks have been minimized. Since switching to a cloud-native service managed by base, LCTV has been able to turn around uploaded master files in a matter of minutes rather than days and deliver them simultaneously to broadcasters all over the world via one LCTV branded portal.

The seamless integration of Aspera on Cloud with IBM Cloud Object Storage has also resulted in increased speed, agility and security. Content can quickly be sent to hundreds of broadcasters simultaneously, while services for new clients can be implemented in minutes with the assurance that all data is being handled in the most secure way, with encryption in-flight and at-rest.

base logo
About base

Founded in 2015, base (link resides outside ibm.com) provides cloud native media services, helping digital media professionals to store, process and manage their content at scale with integrated online media solutions. In its one-provider model, base consolidates and migrates media assets, offering cloud storage, media asset management and media workflow integrations.

Guiding clients through how they can consolidate all their media assets that are saved disparately on hard drives and/or shared online storage and a variety of legacy formats, base helps clients to migrate it all in secure cloud storage, index the files with metadata, and design their media workflows to include integrations with third-party software. base essentially helps customers to centralize, secure and efficiently index media files in one content hub, where each solution is strengthened with ISO27001 certified security practices at every layer. The company is at the forefront of cloud and SaaS services, sharing and delivering hundreds of Terabytes of content per year with thousands of users. base helps clients reduce costs and improve workflow efficiencies while removing the challenges of managing complex in-house infrastructure.

From its inception, base partnered with IBM Cloud to host and run their cutting-edge media workflow solutions. The company provides a global file distribution platform as well as ultra- secure, instant access backup, archive and file sharing solutions for a range of clients by using IBM Aspera On Cloud, Cloud Object Storage, and Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

base has been recognised by numerous industry awards since launch, including jointly winning an IABM Design & Innovation Awards with IBM Aspera for the deployment of Formula E’s global media file distribution platform.

Take the next step

For more information on IBM Aspera solutions, please visit us at https://www.ibm.com/products/aspera

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© Copyright IBM Corporation 2019. IBM Corporation, Software Group (or appropriate division, or no division) Route 100, Somers, NY 10589

Produced in the United States of America June 2019

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