
Improving the customer experience with 40 percent system performance gains

Working with IBM Business Partner Bilgi Birikim Sistemleri Ltd. Sti. (BBS), AKSigorta replaced its existing content management system (CMS) with the IBM® FileNet® platform. As a result, the company improved its CMS performance and can now deliver more innovative services to its customers faster.

Business challenge

To stay ahead in the competitive insurance marketplace in Turkey, AKSigorta wanted to replace its existing CMS so it could differentiate itself by offering excellent customer experiences.


AKSigorta engaged BBS to replace its CMS with the IBM FileNet Content Manager platform. With improved CMS performance, the company can more rapidly provide its customers with more innovative services

Results Decreases project times

when creating integrations with new business partners

40% improvement in system performance

when reading data and writing data

20% faster content searches

so employees and customers can find what they need more quickly

Business challenge story
Striving to improve the customer experience

To stay ahead in the competitive insurance marketplace in Turkey, AKSigorta wanted to make the right technology investments so it could offer an excellent customer experience. “At AKSigorta, we try to develop perfect processes and differentiate ourselves by differentiating our services,” says Kaan Konak, the firm’s IT Government Division Manager. “We continuously try to create a better experience for our customers.”

To achieve this goal, AKSigorta wanted to replace its existing CMS. But the project was potentially tricky because of the vast amount of data in the existing system. Also, the existing CMS supported the business’ mission-critical claims management process, so AKSigorta had to make sure this process was not disrupted by the upgrade.

Transformation story
A next-generation CMS

Collaborating with BBS, AKSigorta replaced its CMS with the IBM FileNet Content Manager platform. AKSigorta performed a thorough technical analysis of competing offerings before deciding on the IBM products. The company chose the IBM FileNet platform for four reasons: excellent performance; strong classification and authentication capabilities; ease of integration with other applications; and because IBM provided value-added tools, including IBM Content Navigator, IBM Case Manager and IBM Watson® Discovery software. “These tools are important for us because they’ll help us differentiate our processes and develop our value-added customer experiences,” says Konak.

With the FileNet platform, AKSigorta can easily integrate its CMS with other systems and processes, such as its policy administration process. “In the next phase, we’re going to integrate our agreement management system with the FileNet content management system,” says Konak. “And this will be very easy because of the flexibility of the FileNet platform.”

During the upgrade, BBS helped AKSigorta extract 14 TB of data from the previous CMS, analyze it, enrich its metadata and load it into the FileNet platform, with practically zero data loss.

Results story
Improved performance, decreased costs

The FileNet platform has helped AKSigorta decrease its operations costs because it requires less maintenance than the previous solution. Plus, it’s so easy to integrate business partners with the platform that integration projects can be completed faster.

With the new CMS in place, AKSigorta is enjoying improved system performance. The IBM FileNet platform provides a 40 percent increase in speed when reading and writing data. It also increases search speeds by 20 percent, so employees and customers can find the content they need faster. “We now have a next-generation content management platform that provides high availability, strong performance and serves our three million customers twenty-four seven, processing more than 10,000 claim files daily,” says Konak.

business logo

A subsidiary of Sabancı Holding, AKSigorta (link resides outside of ibm.com) is a leading insurance company in Turkey. Based in Istanbul, AKSigorta offers fire, marine, motor, third-party liability, accident, personal accident, credit, legal protection, engineering, agriculture and health insurance coverage. It operates from 10 regional offices and has a network of 2,500 agents. The business was founded in 1960.

About Bilgi Birikim Sistemleri Ltd. Sti.

Founded in 1992, IBM Business Partner BBS (link resides outside of ibm.com) is an IT services and solutions provider, specializing in enterprise content management, information risk and protection, and storage systems.

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