
The mobile app deserves a 3rd life

It’s almost a standard reflex: once something is no longer new, it is declared dead. Sometimes this is valid, but sometimes such a verdict is underserved. In many cases, the truth lies somewhere in between. Still, there was a core of truth in the blog that Cory Crosland posted last September on LinkedIn. The CEO […]

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The power of Bluemix in practice

IBM Bluemix is widely known in other countries as a platform for rapid innovation; in the Netherlands, Bluemix does not yet enjoy such a big reputation. Perhaps this has to do with our reticence when it comes to large-scale advertisements and chest-thumping. For example, London’s Heathrow airport is decorated with enormous banners touting the advantages […]

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SLTN and IBM demonstrate the ‘innovation garage’

IT service provider SLTN has selected IBM Bluemix to make it quicker and easier for you – as a developer, the person responsible for IT or an innovation manager – to develop and innovate. The company will set up a so-called ‘Bluemix Garage’, in which topics such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Agile DevOps and […]

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Wanted: Wild Ducks who are in for a Cognitive Challenge

The one thing that’s always in the back of every entrepreneur’s mind is how to serve his/her customers even better.  It is in our mind, it is in the mind of our Business Partners. Cognitive adds value to the customers.  The cognitive solutions market represents a tremendous growth opportunity for businesses delivering solutions with cognitive […]

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Developing cloud based services and apps the easy way

Using IBM Bluemix to quickly create, deploy and manage applications Developers get ready: this is the only platform you need from now on. IBM Bluemix is an open source platform that offers a wide range of of-the-shelf tools and API’s. You pick and choose, mix and match to create mobile or web based services and […]

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Extend your VMWare environment into the Cloud

Cloud computing can be a great enabler to deliver business value in terms of cost, speed, flexibility and security. But integration, extension and migration of workloads has to be done deliberately. Within the cloud the dynamics is very similar to what we have seen in the mobile space, where thousands of different apps all work […]

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IBM and VMware enable seamless Hybrid Cloud

Blogpost by Bart Bogaert | As companies make plans to move workloads to the cloud, the virtualization factor seemed to be the last hurdle. Thanks to IBM and VMware’s strategic partnership, that hurdle now belongs to the past. Here’s the thing: until recently, moving a completely virtualized server farm from an on-premise data center to […]

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De clou van Cloud

Blogpost van Michiel Schouten | Geen enkele organisatie die zijn klanten centraal stelt, zijn processen standaardiseert en snel en wendbaar wil opereren kan nog om de cloud heen. Cloud technologie is onontbeerlijk geworden voor het behalen van deze business doeleinden. Het afgelopen decennium hebben we dan ook kunnen zien dat Cloud in vele vormen en […]

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Openheid gevraagd, zeker in de cloud!

Blogpost van Maarten Boerma | Nu de voordelen van de cloud niet meer zijn te ontkennen, zoeken veel bedrijven naar een manier om deze transitie te maken. Daarbij zal een afweging gemaakt worden tussen public of private cloud. Beide hebben ze hun specifieke voor- en nadelen. Ik schreef in een vorige blog al over een […]

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