A First Look at What a 5G-Enabled World Looks Like, Courtesy of Samsung and IBM

For years thought leaders in the technology, telecommunications, and media spaces have offered tantalizing visions of how 5G will transform society: lightning-fast video downloads, self-driving cars, eSports, robotic factories, and other revolutionary technologies yet-to-be imagined. But these predictions often include qualifying language, reminding readers that, of course, no one can really predict the future, and […]

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Watson Anywhere: The Future

(Part 3 in a Series) There’s a paradox in the world of AI: While it’s the largest economic opportunity of our lifetime (estimated to contribute $16 trillion to GDP by 2030), enterprise adoption of AI was less than 4% in 2018. A recent Gartner survey said that the 4% in 2018 has now grown to […]

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Some Assembly Required: What’s Ahead in Automotive Design

Industry 4.0 has arrived in the automotive industry, bringing substantial shifts in worker skill sets, line machinery maintenance and production quality control. According to the Association for Talent Development, knowledge workers are now in demand on factory floors, and CIO notes that proactive maintenance could help organizations cut the $50 billion they spend each year […]

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The 3 Beachheads of AI

(Part 2 in a Series) We have been partnering with and assisting clients on their data needs and strategies for years. It’s clear that data and AI are two-sides of the same coin; in fact, this understanding spawned the AI Ladder concept. We’ve developed skills training in the areas of data science and machine learning; […]

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Rethinking the Mayflower: How I Came to Build an Autonomous Ship to Cross the Atlantic

To cross the Atlantic with an unmanned, autonomous ship will push technology to its limits. Like the Mayflower’s 101 passengers in 1620, we’ll also need a lot of help and some good luck. I grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. I spent a lot of time messing around in the ocean, swimming and diving. Unlike my […]

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Championing a Culture of Security

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month in many places around the world – so it is a great time to reinforce the importance of championing a culture of security, both inside IBM, and with our clients worldwide. Supporting smart habits in the workplace can go a long way in preventing cyber incidents that might lead to […]

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IBM Watson: Reflections and Projections

(Part 1 in a Series) AI has gone through many cycles since we first coined the term “machine learning” in 1959. Our latest resurgence began in 2011 when we put Watson on national television to play Jeopardy! against humans. This became a cornerstone event, demonstrating that we had something unique. And we saw early success, putting […]

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PMI Ranks Watson One of the Top 50 Projects of Last 50 Years

In celebration of its 50th anniversary, the Project Management Institute (PMI) has announced a first-of-its-kind ranking: the 50 Most Influential Projects of the Past 50 Years. This list, which spans notable and influential projects across decades, industries, disciplines and locations, represents PMI’s vision of how project work can turn ideas into reality and help change […]

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