An Appreciation: J. Thomas Bouchard

In J. Thomas Bouchard’s bookshelf at IBM in the 1990s, right next to a series of books on human resources policy, was a bronze statue of a diverse team pulling together on a rope. “They were diverse, and yet together,” recalled Nicholas Donofrio, then a technical leader at IBM who rose to executive vice president […]

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What the ADA Has Meant to Me

Man, I’m old. I can’t believe it’s been 28 years since the Americans with Disabilities Act became law in the US. Sure, twenty-eight years is a blip on a screen in the grand scheme of humankind, but when I think of all that’s changed, personally and for disability rights, it seems like eons. On July […]

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How Augmented Reality is Moving from Gaming to the Office

Enterprises have long shown interest in mobile app use cases that combine Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality, but with very few tangible or practical implementations. Until now. Simultaneous recent changes to mobile device hardware, cloud technology and cognitive API’s mean that these types of cases can be realized at a fraction of the cost and […]

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OpsMobil: Transforming Exploration with AI

Low commodity prices continue to flatten energy company profit margins, driving the search for lower cost structures and greater efficiencies. Nowhere is this pressure felt more keenly than in companies with aging assets. As wells, pipelines and facilities age, production declines and maintenance requirements grow. Producers need to implement rigorous disciplines to manage these assets, […]

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Amplifying the Power of Debate with AI

French essayist, Joseph Joubert, wrote in 1896: “It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.” For the last 15 years, I’ve led the nation’s most popular debate organization, While our public charity has served more than 180 million people since 2004, our obsession with […]

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Bringing Precision Weather Forecasting to Motorsports with Aston Martin Red Bull Racing

From precision manufacturing and aerodynamic calibration, to tire selection and race-day strategy, Formula One racing is a data-driven sport. To win, racing teams must excel on the razor’s edge, balancing control and strategy with technology and the ability to make critical, real-time decisions in a high-stakes, high-speed environment. Cars can accelerate to 100mph in less […]

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An Appreciation: Spike Beitzel

As a young boy, Spike Beitzel visited an uncle who lived on a high, windy bluff in Nantucket. He wondered why the houses in the small community were made of wood. “Rigid houses would have been knocked down years ago,” he recalled, drawing on the reference to talk about IBM. “We have to be flexible […]

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The IBM Cloud Is Moving Quickly Across Europe

The consumption of services delivered on private, hybrid and public cloud platforms has been growing for several years, and significantly outperforms the growth rates of investment in traditional IT technology. It is a model that enables greater business flexibility, ensures price transparency and faster market performance – in short, it moves organizations forward. According to […]

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All-Flash Solutions are Redefining Storage in a Multi-Cloud World

Companies across every industry are shifting to a multi-cloud environment in order to move faster than their competitors, enhance modern data protection, deliver better customer experiences and drive growth. As they make this essential transition, key trends such as artificial intelligence (AI), containers, and Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) are redefining enterprise data storage in the […]

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Fishing in Finland Means Food Traceability is On the Menu

We all want to know more about the food we are eating, and for consumers in Finland who love their fish, it is now possible to trace their purchased fish fillet all the way back to the actual lake that the fish was caught. Finnish retail cooperative S-Group, will test their Pike-perch radar solution, which […]

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