Cracking the Internal Health Code with Deep Learning

The endoscope and colonoscope were first developed in 1880s to look inside the body. Specialists use their expertise and experience to examine the medical images. But sometimes, human error and backend issues can result in misdiagnosis. Population increase and more cases of internal diseases are overloading the medical industry in many major cities in the […]

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Global Diamond & Jewelry Market Tracks Authenticity with IBM Blockchain

The National Retail Federation estimated last year that consumers planned to spend $4.3 billion on jewelry for Valentine’s Day. But before they swipe their credit cards, shoppers almost always care more about the authenticity and value of a product over price alone. Tracking the provenance and origins of valuable goods, like jewelry, is not only […]

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How An Accidental Discovery Led to a New, Highly Recyclable Plastic

Sunday marked the 48th annual celebration of Earth Day, the global event that celebrates the importance of environmental protection. This year, the Earth Day Network’s focus is to, “fundamentally changing human attitude and behavior about plastics and catalyzing a significant reduction in plastic pollution.” IBM, Polymer Chemist, Jamie Garcia, is doing more than her fair share […]

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Embracing Hybrid Cloud, AI for the Modern App Revolution

When I founded Five9 Vietnam Corp., in 2010 we had, what seemed to be a simple mission: to serve businesses across the country with superior, affordable IT services. We provided software development and offered cloud services. The more we worked with clients, the more we realized that what they really wanted was help with their […]

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Breaking Down Forecasting: The Power of Bias

When I first started my career, I was a demand planner for a large consumer products company. I had all these fancy algorithms (in Lotus 123, mind you) back when Excel was in its infancy, and before a lot of companies were leveraging big systems like JDA and SAP and Oracle. On the first Monday […]

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The Value of Skills for Bulgaria’s Cognitive Future

The pace of technology change today, global connectivity and new collar jobs – to borrow this IBM coined term – are forcing us to rethink skills development as a way to recognize that the future of work and the future of learning are converging. More than 70 million workers globally may need to change their […]

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GDPR’s Missing Link: A Single Subject Search Index

Organizations implementing GDPR are going to discover, sooner or later, that finding someone’s data following a subject access request is much easier said than done. Most organizations think they can individually search every system, either manually or via a federated crawler that automatically queries each system. In fact, neither of these approaches works well. There […]

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GDPR & Protecting Data Privacy with Cryptographic Pseudonyms

Within two years, most of today’s cybersecurity technologies will be obsolete. Since the beginning of 2016, hackers have stolen more than 8 billion records – more than double the two previous years combined – and that doesn’t account for unreported intrusions. The current system of patches, firewalls and blacklists isn’t working. It’s no match for […]

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Unified Data Governance: A Competitive Advantage

Once deemed the core of a good defensive strategy, relegated primarily to aiding in regulatory compliance, data governance has made its way into the “offensive” playbook as organizations around the world seek to convert data into a competitive advantage. As data emerges as a strategic asset, data governance is in my view a foundational program from […]

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