New Research Isolates Early Evidence of Cancer to Aid Diagnostics

Next time you’re seated at a table over dinner with four of your friends, pause for a moment and consider the following: statistically, it’s likely that two of you will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during your lifetimes. These two are 2.5 times more likely to go bankrupt because of the high cost […]

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Pharma: Today’s Premier Global Data Hub

While U.S. healthcare is largely localized, it is important to look beyond our geographical borders to identify those actors and entities in healthcare – specifically those with global reach – that have the power to drive real improvements in care delivery. And today – effectively reaching hundreds of millions of patients across the world each […]

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10 Ways to Help Women Succeed in Technology

I grew up in the era of the feminist movement and Gloria Steinem. I went to an all-girls high school where every leadership role was held by a woman, and taking accelerated math and science didn’t stereotype you. It never even occurred to me to question whether I could succeed in a tech career, or […]

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Cognitive Solutions: The Next Chapter In Streaming Video On Demand

“Now that we’ve found love what are we going to do with it?” The lyrics to a popular 1970’s song pose a question that is at the heart of the rapidly advancing world of streaming video services. Digital video has become the fastest growing data type in cloud workloads, expected to exceed 80 percent of […]

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Reinventing Time on the Move

Drivers spend an average 46 minutes a day at the wheel, negotiating congestion, gridlock, and parking woes, while feeling disconnected from their smart phones, causing the serious new phenomenon of #FOMO – a fear of missing out. In their increasingly connected lives, drivers expect more on the go, which we see as an opportunity to […]

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Making “Cognitive Music” with IBM Watson

It’s no surprise to find music at the center of many important moments of our lives – think of a wedding march, a “Happy Birthday,” or even a funeral procession. Music is deeply tied to the human experience; each song and each moment is personal to the listener. Over the last year, Watson has been […]

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How To Boost Competitive Advantage with Cognitive Computing

Between AI-powered chatbots and gadget-based voice assistants, cognitive computing capabilities have captured the public imagination. But consumer products are just the tip of the iceberg. Under the surface, cognitive computing adoption in the business world is growing rapidly. In fact, IDC predicts that global spending on cognitive systems will grow to more than $31 billion […]

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Using Cognitive to Help Answer Questions About Cognitive

As cognitive computing grows in acceptance as a capability, as well as a concept, business leaders are beginning to ask new and important questions about how to approach these innovations. They want to know things like, how to apply cognitive to particular businesses and business challenges; where and how to get started; and what goals […]

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How Cognitive, Analytics Hold the Keys to Your Heart

Across Canada, millions of people live with heart rhythm disturbances, otherwise known as arrhythmias. Some of the most common arrhythmias include atrial fibrillation (AF), electrical disturbances of the upper heart chambers; syncope, which is the sudden loss of consciousness; and, sudden cardiac death – all of which dramatically and negatively affects our citizens’ quality of […]

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A Closer Look at One School District’s Digital Transformation

For the past 10 years, the focus of Coppell Independent School District (ISD) has been on transforming educational practices. We have worked hard to move away from the “stand and deliver” teaching model to one in which the teachers serve as facilitators and the students take more ownership of their learning. Coppell ISD is in […]

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Blockchain’s Role in Improving Global Food Safety

The focus on safety throughout the global food supply chain is at an all-time high, for all the wrong reasons. The numbers of people sickened by contaminated food products continues to escalate and recalls are issued with increasing frequency. Like virtually every other complex issue in a world dominated by data and how it’s used, […]

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Bringing Cloud Storage into the Hybrid Era

An interesting anomaly has quietly evolved in large enterprises in recent years. As organizations have rightly come to revere cloud computing as the path to true scalability, efficiency, and economics, one corner of it – storage – has been left to wallow in the silos of yesteryear, with limited advances or innovation. Researchers continue to […]

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