
Watson Summit Denmark

Welcome to IBM’s cognitive universe  The preparations for IBM’s big annual inspiration day are well under way. We invite you to our cognitive universe named Watson Summit Denmark. Cognitive technology creates historical breakthroughs for people, businesses and the world as a whole. No other technology can analyze such large amounts of unstructured data so quickly […]

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Data is the new “gold” and therefore you should protect it

Do not panic on account of  the new EU data privacy regulations – but get started now…! To many companies, the demands of the new EU data regulation may seem overwhelming. But if you use a structured approach this is a good medicine against GDPR data-panic. In less than a year, the new regulation in […]

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Watson for Cyber Security

The volume of security incidents and available threat data far exceed the capacity of even the most skilled security professional. Enter Watson for Cyber Security. It augments a security analyst’s ability to identify and understand sophisticated threats, by tapping into unstructured data (ex. blogs, websites, research papers) and correlating it with local security offenses. IBM […]

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Watson at Work

IBM is hitting the market with new advertising  showing Watson at work. With Watson, we are scaling expertise, improving responsiveness and sparking innovation. Watson at work is helping people work faster and smarter. Spend a few minutes and watch our new TV ads about Watson at Work, and if you have any questions do not […]

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The cognitive vision for retail becomes reality

How would your marketing change if you had a cognitive analyst watching out for you, sharing real-time predictions and updates on performance metrics? Cognitive marketing and AI have been one of the hottest topics in the retail sector these past few years. Now, after much talking about the possibilities that new cognitive thinking offers for […]

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IBM invests to accelerate innovation, collaboration and fast-track healthcare solutions in Finland

On April 4th IBM opened The IBM Watson Health Center is officially open for business and we welcome clients, start-ups and developers to come visit us to innovate together. Medical data is expected to double every 73 days by 2020*. Let’s use Watson’s cognitive capabilities to harness that data and create insights to deliver better […]

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Taking the plunge: Using Technology to build a better world.

I was truly invigorated after participating at NextM 2017 in Copenhagen – a forum organized by GroupM to inspire new and original thinking. The vast number of great speakers presented exciting stories, concepts and ideas – all revolving around technology and how to get the most out of date by leveraging artificial intelligence, cognitive capabilities, […]

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Welcome to IBM Watson Build Workshops in Copenhagen and Stockholm.

Join the Watson Build Challenge and get the opportunity to compete with other Partners about who delivers the coolest Watson API. The Watson Build was launched at February’s PartnerWorld Leadership Conference (PWLC). We’re delighted to announce that IBM Denmark and IBM Sweden are hosting Watson Build Workshops on April 27th and 28th! These are non-technical […]

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IBM Webinars

Are you aware that it is easy for you to find inspiration and to be updated by enrolling to one of our IBM Webinars. At the same time it is free of charge and one of the most efficient ways to level up your skills. By attending a webinar, you will be updated on: Explore […]

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