
IBM Watson at the GoTo Conference in Copenhagen

Most of us met IBM’s cognitive supercomputer “Watson” for the first time at the special Jeopardy show in 2011,  competing – and beating – two former Jeopardy champions. But the real work began after the match – extending Watson’s innovative technologies to tackle societal challenges like improving health care, education and the environment. Watson has […]

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Finland invests in Watson Health partnership to lead in personal healthcare

Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation and IBM announced on September 14th a partnership that will enable Finland to utilize Watson cognitive computing to help doctors improve the health of its citizens, and strengthen and develop the Finnish innovation and business ecosystem in the fields of health and well-being. To facilitate the collaboration, […]

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Interview with CEO of Salesbox CRM about cooperation with IBM

Andreas Lalangas, CEO of Salesbox CRM, talks about predictive and mobile CRM, Salesbox and Salesbox’s cooperation with IBM around IBM Softlayer. See the video here: http://youtu.be/sDEfsT2oaxM

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Get Watson Functionalities in Your Unity 3D Apps

Another great collaboration! IBM Watson Developer Cloud now has a SDK for Unity Technologies development platform for 2D & 3D games which makes it possible for you to implement Watson cognitive functionalities into your gaming platform and thereby create a completely new set of cognitive gaming universe Join us on this journey of opportunities… https://developer.ibm.com/open/watson-developer-cloud-unity-sdk/

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Creating essential insights from agricultural data with Watson Analytics

Cognitive means how to you use existing information to create new knowledge. This is exactly what Mjölner informatics has done with Watson Analytics. Together with Seges – the danish farmers knowledge center – they used Watson Analytic as the tool in a workshop where they have explored the huge amount of data from the different […]

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Data driven marknadsföring på ett ögonblick

Mindre tid på att analysera, mer tid till marknadsföring Få snabba visuella insikter som ger dig möjligheten att skapa fler möjligheter till framgång inom marknadsföring och utveckla starkare strategier till att driva fram fler nöjda kunder och fler affärer för din digitala marknadsföringsbyrå. Utforska data snabbt samt identifiera styrkor, svagheter, och dolda trender som inte […]

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Welcome to InterConnect 2016 in Las Vegas

IBM InterConnect 2016 is for those who are building new business models, transforming industries, and creating better outcomes. Whether you’re a C-suite executive, IT leader, developer, designer, architect, or cloud expert, we all have one thing in common-we strive to build better businesses. The relationship between IT and business is changing. As a leader, builder […]

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