
Trust and transparency to the food we all eat

Learn how IBM Food Trust makes the world’s food supply more safe, smart and sustainable with blockchain! IBM Food Trust creates pioneering visibility and accountability in the food supply industry. It is the first network of its kind to connect farmers, processors, distributors, and retailers through shared record of food system data. In the video […]

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NextBriefing: Security

All over the world digital transformation is forcing business leaders to take action regarding risk, security and continuity in order to protect customers and business itself. According to IDC’s Nordic security survey, 45% of businesses have experienced a data breach which compromised customer relations and destroyed digital trust. Today it is a matter of when, not if, […]

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IBM & DRC – Where Technology meets Humanity

Mixed Migration Foresight How has the Danish Refugee Council been awarded an Impact Grant through IBM’s CSR program? This is through the project  Mixed Migration Foresight (MM4Sight) that aims at developing conceptual, tech-driven, probabilistic methodology utilizing fact-based datasets from multiple sources and combined with first hand observations and expert judgment. The intend with the project […]

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How is Watson helping businesses across the globe to build a smarter future?

While you might have heard about IBM’s Watson – do you actually know what Watson is? Powered by the latest innovations in machine learning, Watson lets you learn more with less data. You can integrate AI into your most important business processes, informed by IBM’s rich industry expertise. You can build models from scratch, or […]

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BREAKTHROUGH TO IMPACT – Invitational event in Paris

MIT Technology Review, the authority and leader of global discourse on emerging technologies backed by the preeminent technology institute, has teamed up with IBM, the world’s premier cognitive solutions and cloud platform company, to launch the Innovation Leaders Summit and make impact.  The summit presents a carefully curated analysis of cutting – edge technologies in […]

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Welcome to IBM Storage User Group 2018

We warmly welcome you to join the Spectrum User Group 2018 arranged in IBM Holte. This event is targeted a technical audience to expose the latest research results and to discuss industry trends into details. We have also made time for interaction and networking with your peers. Do not miss this opportunity to meet other […]

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Did you miss out on IBM’s annual POWER-event? Don’t worry

This year’s IBM POWER event took place at Munkebjerg Hotel, August 27-28. The event gathered more than 140 industry leaders, IBM partners and IBM customers. At the event the new POWER9 technology was launched as well as new high-end servers. The Munkebjerg event completes the transition from the POWER8 family and into the POWER9 and […]

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DON’T FORGET: IBM Power 2018

An amazing IBM event is getting even closer: IBM Power 2018 at Munkebjerg Hotel in Vejle the 27th to 28th of August. Don’t forget to register today! By participating you will have the opportunity to: Discover the newest IT-trends and IBM Power and Storage Learn valuable insights from leading experts.. Experience prominent speakers.. Network with industry […]

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How Danske Bank applied disruptive technology to minimize business disruption.

As disruptive technology drives change in most industries, many companies continue to monitor their environment in a traditional manner by reacting to incidents after discovering them. However, this reactive ‘fire-fighting’ approach is no longer acceptable as the damage has already been done, customers are unhappy and have no doubt already shared this dissatisfaction through social […]

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