October 12th Webinar: Integrated Managed Infrastructure Services

Listen in for a chance to further educate yourself on Integrated Managed Infrastructure Services (IMI), and how these services can support your business transformation objectives and reduce day-to-day management costs of IT environments. Our approach to IMI will deliver high availability, resiliency and performance, whether you are using IBM, 3rd party cloud, traditional on premise […]

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Watson Summit 2017 – You are invited!

The preparations for IBM’s big annual inspiration day are well under way, and we invite you to our cognitive universe named Watson Summit. Cognitive technology creates historical breakthroughs for people, businesses and the world as a whole. No other technology can analyze such large amounts of unstructured data so quickly and provide such verified answers. […]

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The Swedish Spectrum Storage User Group

The Swedish Spectrum User Group has over 300 members and meets twice a year at an event in which more than 150 members and Business Partners participate. These conference sessions have gained global attention, including key development participation, and are targeted for Clients of IBM products, IBM business partners, and IBM sales team members. Not […]

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Elinar and IBM PowerAI

Early AI adopters Artificial solutions will soon change the landscape of many industries, augmenting humans’ ability to create, extract insights from data, and make decisions. But the potential applications for AI technology have hardly been explored, offering companies that are brave enough to lead the way an alluring opportunity. Long-time innovator Elinar saw an opportunity […]

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Cognitive Delivery – Increasing activities locally

For more than a decade, a major part of strategic outsourcing has been equal to labor arbitrage, where operational tasks around IT operation has be outsourced to places with lower labor costs. Cognitive delivery makes automation of IT operations much more advanced than ever seen before. The technology provides the option to move tasks back […]

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How to make the right foundation for your Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Projects..

Everybody is talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) without really understanding that AI and Machine Learning (ML), like all other areas of new strategic decisions, demand the right foundation. So what are the considerations and where are the opportunities and pitfalls? Right now, we are almost at the same level of enthusiasm as with the birth […]

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“Techfuel” for digital transformation at High Tech Summit in Copenhagen

I am looking forward to High Tech Summit at DTU, September 20 – 21st. The tag-line for this year’s conference is “Empowering Society and Creating Value”. The program has four main tracks: Industry 4.0, Digitalization and Data, Internet of Things as well as Advanced Materials – including interesting cutting edge subjects such as 3D printing, […]

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Join IBM at ‘itelligence Nordic Conference 2017’ and be inspired on how to disrupt your business

On September 27  you will have the opportunity of experiencing some strong user cases on how to elaborate IBM Watson cognitive service on your SAP environment. IBM will be present at the annual itelligence Nordic Conference 2017, ‘Making Digital Real’ with robots, drones and lots of other stuff bringing value to the SAP environment, together […]

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Artificial Intelligence meet-up with IBM and Watson

Join us for a casual meetup on artificial intelligence and Watson where we will be discussing the trends and future of AI – one of the most relevant technologies of the future. Meet IBM experts for discussions on: How firms can transform themselves to become cognitive  businesses Innovation with Watson – it’s easier than you […]

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