
By Alexander Ziegler on 25 June 2018

Evolution of Badges – Labor Market Insight and Talent Search

Badges Most people dealing with education know the terminology. Discussions around digital credentials and badges are everywhere in the internet. I want to show you in this blog that today’s usage is only the start. The evolution around micro credentials will be huge. The newest evolution is far beyond giving a recognition. You’ll see below that badges […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 15 June 2018

Net Promoter Score: Impressive and helpful even in Training

Net Promoter Score In the case you never heard about Net Promoter Score (NPS) then please first have a look to the NPS entry on Wikipedia. You’re wondering why I’m writing about it? The answer is simple: It is a great approach. And improves services and products. The biggest route to market for IBMs training are […]

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By sonia.malik on 13 June 2018

Skills + Recognition = Career enhancement

Start stacking your resume with digital credentials that matter Today, we must constantly hone and enhance our skills to remain relevant in the workforce. As a society, we know we need to rapidly re-skill vast number of people on an ongoing basis to both remain relevant globally and to avoid long periods of high unemployment. […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 15 January 2018

Measure Education Coverage

Today, I want to share some thoughts around coverage. In general, there are lots of discussions around the question “Is your company having a good education coverage?” Most responses are negative. People do not have a clear definition on what education coverage is exactly. In the end, everybody has his own definition. Let us reflect a […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 29 November 2017

Free training: what is the right amount?

We all want something for free I like things that are free and I have to be honest, when you offer me something for free I’ll take it. Why should I pay for something if the same exists free of charge. Following up on this thought, is there really anything free in life? When discussing […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 21 November 2017

Sponsor Users: an opportunity for networking

Education Offerings in IBM If you follow the blog entries in our IBM Training Blog regularly you realize that we’re doing a lot around transforming our Education. We completed the transition some years ago to use a Global Partner Network for Delivery and Sales. This year we’re working a lot on Digital Transformation and Offerings. […]

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By sonia.malik on 18 September 2017

Global Knowledge Announces IBM Training Exclusives

There is really only one way to learn how to do something and that is to do it. If you want to learn to throw a football, drive a car, build a mousetrap, design a building, cook a stir-fry, or be a management consultant, you must have a go at doing it. Throughout history, youths […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 4 July 2017

Review: IBM’s Training Country Coverage evolution

What is country coverage When working on a Global Training Model the reach of this model is key. Selling hardware or license without driving skills can’t work. This is a proven fact. IBM changed its model in 2013. Looking back one reason was a country coverage which was not big enough. Reason for this was […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 22 June 2017

Offering Management in IBM Training

Offering Management in IBM It is not a long time ago that IBM established a new practice in IBM: The Offering Manager. While IBM was successful with the old role of Product Managers the new role is matching IBMs Digital Transition. Instead of long and complex processes the Offering Manager is moving forward fast. His […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 8 February 2017

I’m part of Generation C

Generation C, X, Y, Z I think I understood the differentiation of Generation X, Y, Baby Boomers, Millennials. – Now you do not know what Generation C is? I read about “Gen C” in a Bog Post and learnt this means “Connected Consumer”. Referring to this I felt directly in love with this definition. Why? […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 23 January 2017

Easily Modernize Applications to Stay Competitive – shouldn’t we speak about Training instead?

Yesterday, I found  an interesting article around “Easily Modernize Applications to Stay Competitive”. When I was reading the article I learned a lot about what could be done and got some good advice. I felt comfortable with the guy who wrote the article. But suddenly I was thinking: He is giving kind of good training, […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 13 January 2017

Quality training with ultimate flexibility: Statistics 2016 and what they tell you for you 2017 Learning Approach

I would like to share two statistics about satisfaction with Digital Learning:  And two quotes from students: “Having access to high quality lectures and lab exercises on demand is amazing. I don’t have the ability to take enough time off from work to take classes like this in person, so having them available as a […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 11 January 2017

Why Self-Directed Learning Matters in Today’s Cloud-Focused World

As technology continues to shift more and more to the cloud, the mentality of those in charge of dispersing training funds could be following in the same direction. In the past, spending a week away from the office for training may have been the most viable and possibly the only option. Now times are changing […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 4 January 2017

Use Storytelling when developping eLearning – and implement what is already a success for CMOs

As IBMer we started some years ago to discover that storytelling is a very valuable approach in various areas, from Management to Sales and Marketing. I was now surprised to find multiple articles around this, including an article around eLearning and the value of Storytelling for learners – and on the other hand an interesting […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 28 December 2016

Quality training with ultimate flexibility

You need effective training on your timeline. Studies show watching a video doesn’t always transfer needed skills alone – that’s why Globalknowledge, one of IBMs Global Training Partners, combined the best features of instructor-led training with the best of self-paced. This new delivery format provides the same world-class training quality as a traditional classroom with the flexibility […]

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By sonia.malik on 2 December 2016

Learning is personal…

In the past, people were trained to do their jobs once and this would last them for as long as they stayed in the same job.  Over time, as job roles morphed and new technologies were introduced, training became essential to keep people knowledgeable, skilled and up to date. Let’s fast forward to today, where people are constantly changing […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 14 October 2016

Skills are amongst 3 top priorities for CIO

Overall it seems we’re having a positive outlook for the overall IT Training Market: According to IBMs CIO Study CIOs “focusing on three goals, in particular: enhancing their organizations’ intelligence and insight, digitizing the front office and strengthening the IT department’s skills”. The study also reveals many more details around the areas to focus on: […]

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By Alexander Ziegler on 22 September 2016

Millennials prefer face-to-face contact when it comes to acquiring new work-related knowledge and skills

I’m currently trying to collect facts around IBMs position in developing the IBM Training and Skills offerings, and stumbled across an interesting study from IBM around Millennials. There are lots of interesting facts in the study, but the most interesting one for me is around how Millennials want to learn:“No question about it, Millennials are […]

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