What is network optimization?

8 May 2024


Gita Jackson


Michael Goodwin

Editorial lead, Automation & ITOps

What is network optimization?

Network optimization refers to a suite of strategies, tools, techniques and best practices to monitor, manage and improve network performance and reliability.

Network optimization isn’t one single strategy or plan, but instead an ongoing series of adjustments and modifications that is continually updated and refined as an organization improves its understanding of its network and user requirements. It is an iterative process that must keep up with the latest technology available to make sure that organizations keep pace with competition. To properly optimize a network, an organization must be able to anticipate future needs and what will be required as the organization scales.

There are numerous approaches to network optimization. Some aspects are simpler, such as making sure that your hardware and software is up to date. Other approaches are more technical, such as optimizing your organization’s network settings, or using network monitoring software to gain actionable insights.

Network optimization can deliver numerous benefits, such as increased network security, better end-user experience and increased employee productivity, that impact all aspects of an organization.

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How to measure network performance

Understanding overall network performance means understanding what is working well in a network and what can be improved upon. Sometimes there are telltale signs that a network needs optimization: apps or web services loading slowly, conference calls dropping video frames or audio or data transfers failing. Other times, metric analysis is needed to identify issues that are not as obvious, but just as impactful to customer experience.

Identifying the underlying cause of network issues can help an organization figure out how to resolve them. There are several metrics that help determine how a network is performing and identify areas that can operate more efficiently.

Network latency

Network latency is the amount of time that it takes for a data packet to travel from one point to another across a network. An increase in network users, for example, can increase network latency and slow down the speed of data transmission.

Network availability

Network availability is a measure of the percentage of time a network is accessible to users. Availability is typically stated as a percentage that measures the amount of uptime in a specified period, such as over the course of a year. Many enterprises aim for “five nines,” or 99.999% uptime.

Packet loss

Packet loss is when a data packet doesn’t reach its destination. There will always be some packet loss within a network, but higher rates of packet loss are indicative of network issues.


Jitter is the variation in latency of packet flows across a network. A consistent latency is preferable to high jitter, which can contribute to packet loss. Jitter can also negatively affect audio and video conference calls and other network uses that call for real-time communication.


Throughput is the average volume of data that actually transfers over a network in a specified time. It is often confused with bandwidth.


Bandwidth is the maximum data transfer capacity of a given network at any time. Bandwidth is similar to throughput, but throughput measures the average amount of data that passes through a network rather than its capacity.

Error rate

Error rate measures the number of errored bits or data packets in a network. All networks will have errors, but a higher error rate indicates an unhealthy network.

Response time

Response time is the amount of time that it takes for a request to be sent from a sender, such as a client device, to a receiver, such as a server, and for the receiver to process the request and return a response.

Response time and latency are similar, but there’s a distinction: response time measures not just how long it takes for a message to be sent, but also how much time it takes for the request to be processed and returned. It reflects the total round-trip time.

Factors that affect network performance

The physical and logical topology of your network can impact network performance, as can network infrastructure and the hardware the network uses.

Network topology

Network topology refers to the way that a network is physically and logically designed. Physical topology refers to how the real-world components are connected to each other. Logical topology refers to how the data actually travels within the network.

Network topology can impact performance in various ways. For example, the number of networking devices that data must travel through to reach its destination increases network latency. Different configurations of networking devices can either speed up or slow down the transmission of data and impact general network performance.

Distance data must travel

The greater distance data must travel within a network, the more latency a user will experience. While the latency in transmitting data across the country is measured in milliseconds, those milliseconds add up and can reduce network speed and performance.

Transmission medium and network hops

Communications networks are made up of physical cables, and the materials they're made from affect a network’s speed and efficiency. Generally speaking, wired networks that use materials such as fiber optic cables have less latency than wireless networks.

Additionally, data packets that pass through multiple network devices, such as routers, will experience greater latency. Each time data must pass through a network device to move from one segment to the next (network hops), latency increases.

Network congestion

Larger data packets take longer to transmit across a communications network. Over time, data packets can back up and lead to congestion for the next data packets, which in turn slows down performance.

Hardware performance

Outdated hardware—such as routers, servers or cables that are old or not updated­—can slow down network performance.

How to optimize network performance

Maintaining a high-performance network is essential for many reasons—productivity and positive customer experiences among them—and there are several ways to optimize a network. Sometimes it’s as simple as upgrading hardware and using network optimization tools. Other times, an organization might need to completely rethink how the network is set up, how it’s used and what applications and services take priority.

More likely than not, an organization must use a combination of network optimization techniques to reach the required level of network performance. Here are a few of the most popular strategies for troubleshooting a network and improving network performance.

Data-driven optimization

By using real-time monitoring software, organizations can identify and fix network bottlenecks and other issues as they are occurring. IT teams often use network performance monitoring tools to gain a deeper understanding of how a network is performing. These metrics are used to determine if a network meets the organization’s needs. It is also measured against the key performance indicators (KPI) that the organization has set for network performance to determine if the organization is upholding service level agreements (SLAs) with customers.

Armed with this data, an organization can understand, and manage, end-to-end network performance, meet client agreements and anticipate future problems. Data-driven optimization is an ongoing process that is refined and improved as the optimization model matures and the organization or network evolves.

Network settings optimization

Adjustments to network settings can facilitate optimization improvement efforts. These settings help allocate data and resources according to network priorities.

Quality of service

One approach is referred to as “quality of service” (QoS). This means that within the network, an organization prioritizes traffic to guarantee the performance of the services most needed. The idea is to optimize for specific business needs and operations, rather than an arbitrary standard. One example of QoS optimization is the prioritization of voice and video calls over other kinds of data.

Resource allocation

Efficient network resource allocation is an essential part of improving performance. Network performance suffers if the network doesn’t have the appropriate resources to process the data that is traveling within it. Adding more overall capacity to the network is often a quick fix for resource allocation issues, but might not be a suitable long-term solution because it can lead to overprovisioning and unnecessary spending.

Provisioning a network with the correct resources sometimes involves data-based redistribution of existing resources, such as providing more bandwidth to one part of a network while throttling it in another. This is especially useful in the case of applications that are based on servers in a cloud-based computing environment.

Understanding which applications require the most bandwidth is part of network monitoring and is essential to making your network work efficiently. However, trying to monitor performance and glean insights manually in a complicated modern network is often a fool’s errand.

Application resource management and network performance management solutions can continuously monitor application performance and resource utilization. Such solutions provide insights into the network performance and context around any issues and can automatically provision resources in the most effective manner. This allows an enterprise to automatically provision network resources to the most in-demand or high-priority parts of the network—or even more applications to less congested servers—to promote peak performance.

Network protocols

Configuring network protocols also has an impact on network performance. Network TCP/IP settings can be adjusted to determine packet size and congestion control mechanisms that can reduce latency and increase network reliability. TCP/IP optimization also involves window resizing. The TCP protocol is designed to make sure that a fast sender of data will not overtake a receiver that is slower. To do this, the sender transmits data in one or more segments to the receiver, which acknowledges those segments. When the receiver sends that acknowledgment, it tells the sender how much data it should transmit—this is the window size. Adjusting the window to the appropriate size to prevent network devices from being overloaded can improve overall network performance.

While the transmission control protocol (TCP) is used mostly across the internet, there is also a user datagram protocol (UDP). TCP is a connection-based protocol and UDP is connectionless. Comparatively, UDP is faster than TCP, but UDP does not allow for the retransmission of lost data packets. TCP is a generally a more reliable protocol.

An organization can also consider changing its IP from IPv4 to IPv6. IPv4 uses a 32-bit address while IPv6 uses a 128-bit address. This allows for more addresses to accompany the burgeoning number of unique IP addresses needed on today’s internet.

IPv6 also comes with other improvements over IPv4. For example, IPv6 natively allows for multicasting—sending data packets to multiple devices at once—and has a built-in layer of network security by using IPsec for native end-to-end encryption.

Bandwidth optimization

This method of network optimization is all about increasing the maximum capacity for transferring data on a network. Greater bandwidth allows for the transmission of more data packets. This helps increase overall network speed and improve performance. Traffic shaping is a component of bandwidth optimization that implements bandwidth limiting to applications that aren’t critical to your organization.

One common method for making efficient use of bandwidth is compression. Compression reduces the size of the data packets before they’re transmitted on the network. Think of it like a .zip file. If you need to send a series of large files over email, sometimes it’s easier to compress them into a .zip file, which reduces the overall size of the data being sent.

Another method for bandwidth optimization is called caching. This is when frequently accessed data is stored on local servers or devices, rather than on the network. If you use a web browser, then you have cached files that the browser stores locally, like images from websites you visit often. One downside to caching is that if your cache of files becomes too large, it can slow down the performance of some programs.

Load balancing

Load balancing is the process of distributing network traffic across multiple servers to optimize the availability of applications. Servers might get millions of requests a day, creating a situation where one server is more impacted by network traffic than others. Load balancing is a technique where that traffic is parceled out across multiple different servers so that the impact is shared, rather than overloading one server.

Promote network security

Cybersecurity threats, such as distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, can take down an enterprise network. Promoting a robust network security helps safeguard your network functions from unwanted interruption. There are multiple approaches to network security. Similar to network optimization, it’s likely that an organization will employ a combination of multiple methods.

Network firewalls are a security system that restricts traffic in and out of a network. This helps guard against bad actors. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) monitor network traffic for suspicious activity, and alert security teams to known or potential threats. Encryption can be used to protect sensitive data, particularly in areas of a network most likely to be targeted. Used together, such tools can help secure a network and optimize availability.

Use CDNs and subnetting

Content delivery networks (CDNs) and subnetting are methods used to decrease the distance that data packets must travel and reduce latency.

CDNs use a network of distributed servers in multiple different locations, closer to the users. Instead of having to access servers that are distant from them, users can access the data on a distributed server that’s much closer to their location. Similarly, subnetting creates a smaller network of frequently accessed endpoints that communicate with each other. By grouping these endpoints together, the travel distance for most data packets on a network can be limited.

Maintain up-to-date infrastructure; perform regular network maintenance

Network infrastructure, like the physical components used to build the network, plays a large role in network performance. It is important to make sure that network devices and equipment, like routers, switches and cables are updated and in good working order. It is also important that enterprise IT teams perform regular maintenance checks, install patches on networking devices and update or upgrade outdated network hardware and software.

Optimize network topology

Network optimization can entail adjusting network topology so that data packets flow more efficiently and with fewer interruptions. Different network topologies influence how data flows within a network, and not every topology will work for every enterprise. For example, topologies with a single point of failure, like bus networks, pose a security risk for enterprises handling sensitive data; more complex network topologies like mesh networks can be expensive to install. Choosing the most appropriate topology can make a network faster and more efficient.

Use software-defined networks and SD-WAN

Software defined networking (SDN) is an approach to network management that attempts to simplify managing a huge network infrastructure. The basic approach has three components: applications that monitor network information and resource allocations; controllers that determine the destination of data packets to balance the network load; and networking devices that communicate with the controllers and route packets. In SDN, software is used to control network traffic rather than traditional hardware like routers and switches.

SDN is a network management technique specifically for local area networks. Software defined wide-area network (SD-WAN) provides the benefits of software-defined networking to wide area networks—networks that are in geographically distant locations. SD-WAN also connects the network locations together, enabling an enterprise to send data between them.

Network redundancies and failover

In the case that a network does go down for any reason, redundancies and failover protections can keep everything working. Network redundancy is the strategy of employing several different pathways for data packets to travel to their destination. Designing a network with redundancies in mind means that if a portion of a network goes down, traffic can still reach its destination while the network is being repaired.

“Failover” is the mechanism that turns on when network problems are detected, activating your network redundancies. SD-WAN provides the ability to automatically divert the flow of traffic away from the parts of a network that are down as part of established failover protections. Domain Name System (DNS) management software can also help steer traffic away from a server in need of repair and direct it to a healthy server.

Network optimization benefits

Reduced downtime

Network congestion and other performance issues can create situations where customers—internal or external—cannot access the applications they need when they need them. If a network can’t handle the traffic load or other network demands, customers will look elsewhere and business will suffer.

Increased network security

Bad actors use network vulnerabilities to steal information, extort ransom payments, or crash networks outright. A network optimization plan that focuses on performance and security helps thwart malicious attacks.

Enhanced productivity

A properly optimized network is an essential part of making any organization function. If employees cannot readily access the tools they need, productivity drops. Whether it's ensuring fast access to cloud-based applications, or that Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services used for conference calls are available, organizations must match network performance with employee needs.

Better user experience

If you’ve ever tried to buy a limited-edition product online, like concert tickets, you know that an optimized network is the key to a positive customer experience. E-commerce services that go down while the user is trying to make a purchase can easily lose sales.

Whether it’s external customers trying to purchase or access a product or service, or internal customers accessing applications or platforms for work, network performance directly impacts the user experience. If network performance is slow or unsatisfactory in any way, customers will look for options elsewhere and employee productivity will decrease.

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