IBM Support

IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0 release notes

Release Notes


This document contains the release notes for IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0, including the toolkit and runtime components.


Release Notes file for: IBM App Connect Enterprise
Product release: 12.0

From Q4 2023, there are now two types of IBM App Connect Enterprise delivery for version 12 - mod releases and fix packs. For more information refer to Changes to IBM App Connect Enterprise’s maintenance delivery model

Update mod release name:

Update fix pack name:

Document first published: 28 May 2021
Document last modified: 15 August 2024


Latest fix pack release: (electronic availability 15 August 2024);

  • (electronic availability 28 March 2024 );
    • (electronic availability 22 April 2024);
    • (electronic availability 15 May 2024);
    • (electronic availability 13 June 2024);
    • (electronic availability 15 July 2024);
    • (electronic availability 15 August 2024)
  • (electronic availability 13 December 2023);
    • (electronic availability 16 January 2024);
    • (electronic availability 04 March 2024);
    • (electronic availability 15 March 2024)
  • (electronic availability 02 October 2023); (electronic availability 15 November 2023)
  • (electronic availability 30 June 2023)
  • (electronic availability 24 March 2023)
  • (electronic availability 22 November 2022)
  • (electronic availability 27 September 2022)
  • (electronic availability 17 June 2022)
  • (electronic availability 30 March 2022)
  • (electronic availability 10 December 2021)
  • (electronic availability 24 September 2021)
  • (electronic availability 28 May 2021)


Accessing the latest version of the release notes

Always use the latest version of this release notes file, which is available in English only at:

Before installation

Accessing the online product documentation
For more information about tasks that you must complete before you install the product, see the IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0 documentation.

System requirements
Check the IBM App Connect Enterprise system requirements to ensure that your installation platform is supported for the product edition that you plan to install. 

Downloading the product from the IBM Passport Advantage website
For more information about downloading IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0 installation images from the Passport Advantage website, see the Download IBM App Connect Enterprise 12 page.

Before installing

From IBM App Connect Enterprise onwards, TripleDES (3DES) ciphers are no longer supported for use during SFTP processing in the FileInput, FileOutput and FileRead Nodes. The removal of these ciphers follows NIST guidelines which considers these insecure and specifies that these ciphers should not be used after 2023.

Customers may see a BIP3380E error, with reason text 'mac or cipher not supported by the server', when making an SFTP connection to an SFTP server configured to use these ciphers. Affected customers should reconfigure their SFTP servers to support ciphers which are considered to be secure.

Before installing and above
From IBM App Connect Enterprise onwards support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 is deprecated. Support for RHEL 7 is still available but will be removed in a future fix pack. Customers using RHEL 7 will observe a warning message when sourcing the mqsiprofile script.
Before installing and above

There has been a change in the baseline virtual memory size (VSZ) used by IBM App Connect Enterprise processes from ACE onwards. Refer to  Known Baseline VSZ increase in IBM App Connect Enterprise from onwards for more information

Before installing and above on AIX

The minimum OS for AIX has changed to

  • AIX 7.2.TL5 SP5

The following prerequisites for AIX have changed to

  • IBM Open XL C/C++
  • GCC 8.3

Product documentation

The online product documentation can be found in IBM Documentation. See IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0 documentation.

In IBM App Connect Enterprise, the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit help is configured to display help topics that are hosted in the online product documentation. However, you can download a local version of the product documentation and configure the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit to use this local source. For more information about this topic, see Adding documentation to the App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.


This release notes file might contain references to defect numbers. These numbers refer to internal IBM problem numbers; you might find these numbers useful when you discuss problems with your IBM service representative.

Tech notes:
For more information about known problems and available fixes, see the IBM App Connect Enterprise support web page.

To find information, click Downloads, then Fix Central, then enter the product's name. This web page provides links to the latest available maintenance for the in-service IBM App Connect Enterprise family of products.

Feature updates

To learn about the new features in IBM App Connect Enterprise, see What's new in version 12.0?

Known problems and their workarounds

Problems and their workarounds in IBM App Connect Enterprise.

  • APAR IT46223 MEMORY LEAK FOR NODE OWNED INTEGRATION SERVERS WITH FLOW STATS, RESOURCE STATS, OR ADMIN LOG ENABLED ON OR ABOVE. Refer to the APAR IT46223 for details of the scenarios affected. Ifixes are available from Fix Central to apply to:
  • Fractional truncation error is received when using an ESQL SELECT against a PostgreSQL database table using the TIME datatype with a precision (#97005)
    App Connect Enterprose provides an ODBC, driver which can be used by ESQL based message flow nodes to communicate with a PostgreSQL database. When interacting with a table that has columns of the TIME datatype, and which also include a precision, then a fractional truncation error is returned to the message flow. To workaround the problem, users can set a parameter (FetchTWFSasTime=1) in the odbc.ini file which will stop the PostgreSQL ODBC driver from attempting to return the fractional seconds part of the time.
  • Connecting more than one Change Data Capture message flow node to the same PostgreSQL database attempts to create separate connections (#96970)
    The Change Data Capture message flow node takes its connection properties from a Change Data Capture policy. Multiple Change Data Capture message flow nodes can be configured to reuse the same policy, but at runtime each node will create its own connection. In some circumstances this can lead to behaviour which the user may not expect: For example, when connecting to PostgreSQL there is a limit of one connection allowed and when this is exceeded further connections will be denied.
  • Problem with Connector Discovery for Jira and Microsoft Sharepoint input nodes (#95916)
    When you Launch Connector Discovery from a Jira or Microsoft Sharepoint message flow input node, if you have not previously provided account credentials, then the discovery process will display a page describing the endpoint system as "Not connected". You will not see a connect button, nor will you see a list of potential actions to choose from. There is no obvious way forward in the discovery process and you need to close the window and return to your Toolkit workspace. There are two alternative workarounds for the problem:
    1. Before you launch connector discovery, use the mqsicredentials command to define your Jira or Microsoft Sharepoint credentials to your vault, and create a policy that links to those credentials. When you launch connector discovery, the defined credentials and policy will be used and the list of available actions you can choose from will be displayed.
    2. Before launching connector discovery, provide the credentials and policy information by launching from the menu File > New > Discovery Connector policies and credentials. You can then return to Launch Connector Discovery from the message flow input node and progress as normal.This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • The integration node vault does not allow credentials to be updated while the integration node is running. (#95848)
    In App Connect Enterprise, the credentials in an integration node's vault are shared between the integration node, the node-wide HTTP Listener, and the integration servers that are owned by the node. If you update a credential by using the mqsicredential command, then the request is rejected, even though the vault technology is capable of allowing the vault to be locked for access while the update is happening. To work around this issue, stop the integration node, make the update to the credential, and restart the integration node.This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • For integration servers that use an External Directory Vault, discovery connector nodes do not persist OAuth token updates to disk (#96120)
    In App Connect Enterprise, message flows that contain discovery connectors that use OAuth when they communicate with endpoint systems, incorrectly just store the updates in memory and do not persist the updated OAuth tokens to disk. If the integration server is subsquently restarted, and if the refresh token is still valid, then a new access token is generated. If the integration server is restarted and the refresh token is no longer valid, a new access token will not be generated, and connections will fail. Users can work around this problem by setting an environment variable MQSI_FORCE_TOKEN_STORE to the value "vault" before starting the integration server.  The list of connectors potentially affected by this behavior is:  anaplan, azuread, dropbox, kronos, maximo, mondaydotcom, msdynamicscrmrest, msexcel, msonedrive, msteams, mssharepoint, salesforcemc, sapariba, amazonkinesis, box, calendly, msexchange, servicenow, snowflake.This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • Occasionally on Linux x86-64 the Toolkit can become unresponsive when you click a message flow node in a .msgflow file (#93923)
    When you edit a message flow, immediately after you click a message flow node on the flow canvas the Toolkit can become unresponsive. We suspect this issue is due to a race condition related to displaying hover help. The unresponsiveness occurs more regularly on heavily loaded machines, or where multiple separate Toolkit sessions are running. A work-around for this issue is not to click the message flow node immediately, but pause briefly until the hover help appears, and then click.
    This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • Uninstalling App Connect Enterprise on Windows (due to long file path configuration) can result in files being left behind (#94655)
    Installations of App Connect Enterprise that include the Discovery Connectors feature take advantage of longer file paths than previous versions of the product. Because of the longer file paths, when the product installation uses a location with a deep folder path, some files can be left behind when the product is uninstalled. This problem can occur on older versions of Windows (for example Server 2012 R2, Windows 8/8.1 and early Windows 10). These versions of Windows pre-date Windows operating system support for long file paths. The problem can also occur where long path support is deliberately switched off. You can work around this issue by manually deleting the left over files after the uninstallation completes. As this problem is outside the scope of the App Connect Enterprise product, behavior is unlikely to change in future releases but is noted here with the workaround for the benefit of our users.
  • Optional filters selected during connector discovery are not persisted in the message flow for the input node (#94675)
    When you Launch Connector Discovery from a message flow input node, after you connect to the instance and after you select the trigger event and data object, you can define filters. These filters are intended to let the user control the circumstances that cause the input node to be triggered. When you use data objects named Item and Subitem, filtering options can be defined by using User IDs, Group IDs, and Subitem IDs. Although defined in the wizard these options are not being correctly saved to the message flow. As a result of not being saved, when the flow is deployed these filtering options have no effect on the events that trigger the flow.
    This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • In rare circumstances, message flows with a Salesforce Input node can cause an integration server abend on Windows (#93210)
    Testing highlighted an intermittent situation where the integration server process can abend. This problem is consistently recreatable only when you use a message flow containing the Salesforce Input message flow node, on the Windows platform, and when the product is installed into the default path location. You can work around the problem by using one of the following solutions:
    1. Install the product in a slightly longer or shorter path than the default location.
    2. Specify that flows containing the Salesforce Input node are deployed in start mode manual.
    3. Disable the REST admin port of the server. 
    This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • Toolkit is unable to edit an OpenAPI document and a Discovery Connector session at the same time (#492)
    In an App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, it is possible to concurrently work on an OpenAPI document and a Discovery Connector session. This behavior regressed in App Connect Enterprise causing a blank page to be displayed or a message stating "An error has occurred".  You can work around this issue by closing the open session and editing either the Discovery Connector settings, or the OpenAPI, one at a time.  This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise (concurrent editing sessions are not allowed and an error message explains what to do next.)
  • Runtime reports an internal error (BIP2111E) from a message flow that contains a Discovery Connector message flow node (#91636)
    In an App Connect Enterprise message flow, when a Discovery Connector message flow node is wired directly to an MQOutput or MQReply node, the runtime might report an internal error (BIP2111E) when it attempts to 'refreshBitStreamFromElements'. You can work around this error by wiring a Compute node into the flow after the Discovery Connector message flow node and before the IBM MQ message flow node. This wiring serves the purpose of preparing a writeBuffer ready to be used when the output message is serialized.  This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • Docker Windows Silent Install options (#91571)
    When you use Docker Windows with the App Connect Enterprise silent installation mechanism, you cannot select the installer options for Toolkit, WebSphere Service Registry and Repository nodes, Open API Editor, or Connector Discovery. These options are available with the silent installer when you are operating within traditional on-metal and VM environments (this note just applies to Docker Windows).  This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • It is not possible to use Discovery Connector message flow nodes in an Integration Service subflow (#91641)
    When you use message flow nodes that rely on Connector Discovery (introduced in App Connect Enterprise, there is a problem running these nodes in the subflow of an Integration Service. You can work around this issue by using an Application with a SOAPInput node-driven message flow, and associated subflows instead.  This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • With Discovery Connectors, the JSON schema files saved to the Toolkit workspace are not versioned (#368)
    When you run Connector Discovery (introduced in App Connect Enterprise, the JSON schema files that are saved to the Toolkit workspace by the discovery process contain the declaration "$schema": "", which does not declare a specific version of the specification. This lack of declaration causes the schema to not be usable when you use JSON schema validation in a message flow. You can work around this issue by changing the declaration to be "$schema": "". This declaration can be used with JSON schema validation as normal.  This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • With Discovery Connectors, if you click Back in the Connector discovery process when you create a policy or credentials for the first time, the account (policy or credentials) are not shown (#349)
    When you run Connector Discovery (introduced in App Connect Enterprise, and you create a new policy or credential for the first time, when you click Back the information is not displayed. To see the information, close the connector discovery process and open it from the message flow node's properties page.  This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • With Discovery Connectors, do not attempt to use more than one policy of the same connector type in a single policy project (#301)
    When you run Connector Discovery (introduced in App Connect Enterprise, do not attempt to use more than one policy of the same Connector type within a single policy project. Using multiple policies can lead to indeterminate results. If multiple policies are used, when you run the Connector Discovery process (started from the message flow node's properties page) the selected Object and Action are not displayed on the last page of the process.  This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • Connector Discovery offers JSONata expressions (#285)
    When you run Connector Discovery (introduced in App Connect Enterprise, and insert values for a field (for example a field in a 'where' filter), you might see a window offering the use of a JSONata function. JSONata functions that are displayed start with the $ symbol (for example '$isUndefined') and if they are selected they are displayed within curly braces {{}}. If you select these functions, the Runtime behavior is undefined and reserved for future use. This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise which introduces support for JSONata functions for mapping in the Discovery Connector nodes.
  • Fractional seconds are ignored when you filter with Business Transaction Monitoring queries against a Db2 database (#88972)
    App Connect Enterprise introduces a new filtering capability for the Business Transaction Monitoring feature in the web UI. If you use Db2 for your Business Transaction Monitoring database, and the filter query you supply in the web UI includes fractional seconds, then the fractional seconds are currently ignored. For example, if you have a transaction with a duration of 1.600 seconds and you filter with "durationAtLeast=1.1" then the transaction is not show in the results. The transaction is not shown because "1.600" is treated as "1", which is less than "1.1". This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • New style subflow user-defined node properties cannot be contributed to template flows used in Pattern Authoring projects (#89025)
    When you use a Pattern Authoring project to create a pattern, you cannot use message flow templates that include properties of subflow user-defined nodes. Typically when you edit a message flow, there is right-click option on a node called "Pattern" that has one child "Select target properties". A dialog opens, showing a list of all the node's properties, by group, with a checkbox alongside each one. Ticking a property makes it visible to the pattern authoring configuration tab, allowing it to be set from pattern properties. However, with the current restriction, for subflow user-defined nodes no properties are shown and the dialog reports "No available node properties".  This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise
  • Contributing the same monitoring event to more than one business transaction definition on the same integration server creates duplication (#88007)

    When a single integration server hosts more than one business transaction definition, and the business transaction definitions use the same monitoring events, the monitoring events subscriptions are registered against all the business transaction definitions. This registering of events can lead to an incorrect business transaction status being reported. For example, if two start events are involved, the transaction status is shown as inconsistent.  You can work around this issue by defining each business transaction definition on a different integration server.  This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise

  • The command ibmint generate tests does not support relative paths on windows (#86166)

    You can work around this issue by using an absolute path when you pass in the value for the recorded-messages parameter on the ibmint generate tests command.  This issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise

  • IBM App Connect Enterprise Linux on Z for IBM zCX Multilingual (G01T5ML) contains an incorrect FMID, which prevents support cases being raised.
    You can work around this issue by installing an updated version of IBM App Connect EnterpriseThis issue is fixed in IBM App Connect Enterprise

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Useful websites

IBM App Connect Enterprise product documentation

IBM Integration Community

IBM App Connect Enterprise Requirements


© Copyright IBM Corporation 2023. 

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSDR5J","label":"IBM App Connect Enterprise"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000brDHAAY","label":"ACE"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"12.0.1;12.0.10;12.0.2;12.0.3;12.0.4;12.0.5;12.0.6;12.0.7;12.0.8;12.0.9"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 August 2024

