What's new in Version 12.0?

IBM® App Connect Enterprise 12.0 provides new functions that include a simplified user interface, artificial intelligence (AI), and other automation capabilities that increase time to value for your business.

Every new function of IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0 is driven by customer feedback and requests for enhancements, as the voice of the customer represents a key pillar in the continuous innovation of IBM App Connect Enterprise. New functions are being delivered on a quarterly basis through the fix packs release to address customer needs in a timely manner.

This customer feedback-driven approach can be summarized under the following themes:

Development productivity
  • Improve time to value through intelligent and optimized tools.
  • Integrated and common user experience with API Management plus new tutorials and accelerators.
Test and DevOps automation
  • Fast track the adoption of agile practices while mitigating risk.
  • New test-driven development capability accelerates shift-left strategy.
Extended connectivity
  • Simplify, enhance, and automate connected systems and applications.
  • Addition of more than 200 connectors to the catalog.
Hybrid-cloud operations
  • Achieve enriched operational visibility and control access across any deployment.
  • New dashboard provided end-to-end transparency of the integration runtime across all environments.

The new functions in IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0 cover one or more of these themes, and at a high level include:

Improved Toolkit UI

The upgraded IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit features a modernized look and feel that increases development productivity by simplifying the creation of message flows and message models from scratch.

An animated screen capture of the toolkit being used to connect nodes

New Tutorials Interface

The newly-designed tutorial interface includes over 100 tutorials to easily get started and rapidly familiarize with IBM App Connect Enterprise, reducing the onboarding time. This includes guides on how to create an integration server, message flows, unit tests, and many more.

An animated screen capture of the tutorials interface and scrolling through a list of available tutorials

New smart connectors

IBM App Connect Enterprise Designer makes it easier to connect your applications both on cloud and on premises by including pre-built smart connectors, with a total number of more than 100 connectors.

A screen capture of icons that represent connectors
  • Easier ways to get started

    With over 100 tutorials in the newly-designed tutorial interface, and a new test-driven development feature, it is easy to get started developing your own integration solutions. See the following video for a demonstration of how to get started with IBM App Connect Enterprise: Getting started with IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0.

  • Test-driven development

    The new test-driven development feature facilitates the adoption of agile practices while mitigating risks, enabling developers to iteratively test as they develop and automating test authoring. See the following video for a demonstration of how to create and run a JUnit test for a message flow node: Creating and running a JUnit test for a message flow node in IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0.

  • Business Transaction Monitoring

    The Business Transaction Monitoring capability introduced in enables you to get the best out of your business transactions, by monitoring the end-to-end lifecycle of your enterprise transactions. See the following video for an overview of Business Transaction Monitoring in IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0: Business Transaction Monitoring overview

For details of the new functions in IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0, see New function added in Version 12.0 modification packs and fix packs.

Your suggestions on how to improve our solutions are always welcome: please go to the Request for Enhancements (RFE) Community page for IBM App Connect Enterprise. You can collaborate on enhancements directly with IBM in this community. For more information, see Request enhancement.

Get started with your own installation of IBM App Connect Enterprise, or download IBM App Connect Enterprise for Developers for free, and choose how you want to get going from a variety of resources. For more information, see Get started with IBM App Connect Enterprise.