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IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics on z/OS

General Page

Manage real-time problem detection, analysis, and repair to help maintain the availability, performance, and general health of on-demand composite applications

IBM® Tivoli® Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics on z/OS® helps you view the health of web applications and servers. You gain in-depth diagnostic information for specific application requests to identify the root cause of problems. This software provides a consistent way to manage composite applications throughout Java® EE application environments. Set alerts to help detect and fix potentially troublesome situations before they affect users. Now you can resolve performance issues faster, reduce downtime costs, and improve customer satisfaction.


Repair problems before they impact users Identify the source of bottlenecks or other defects in application code, server resources, or external system dependencies.
Simplify app lifecycle management Monitor newly deployed applications as soon as they become active, without modifying application code when it is changed.
Manage performance throughout subsystems Provide advanced application management and monitoring with diagnostics, reporting, analysis, and resolution tools.
Detect and analyze memory leaks Detect and fix memory leaks in Java™ applications with advanced diagnostics.
Manage and monitor Analyze garbage collection and heap utilization details to detect application memory leaks. Set traps to collect a method or stack trace for deeper diagnostics and problem determination.
Reduce MLC Understand CPU utilization down to Java™ thread level including zIIP offload efficiency.

ITCAM for Application Diagnostics details

Helps reduce MLC through monitoring of CPU utilization Displays the overall CPU utilization and amount of zIIP offload occurring for the monitored address space.
Identify problems before they impact users Deliver integrated management tools for web and enterprise infrastructure. It helps maintain availability and performance of your on-demand business. Support for management capabilities in both distributed and IBM® z/OS® environments is simple. You can resolve Java™ EE issues to maintain high levels of uptime and responsiveness. Reports show performance trends at the application, transaction, and server levels.
Key performance indicator alerts Quickly gain insight into current performance through product-provided situations that track CPU performance, garbage collection, application request throughput, and overall JVM health metrics.
Streamline application management throughout the lifecycle Correlate in-depth performance data gathered from multiple middleware environments including Java™ EE, IBM® CICS®, IBM® IMS™, and IBM® WebSphere® Portal. This will help your IT team to pinpoint precise hot spots in application code with minimal effort. Dynamically adjust the depth of transaction monitoring levels. You can also establish a preset schedule for moving between monitoring levels, or switch as needed when you require a deeper level of analysis.
Monitor and manage performance throughout subsystems Detect and repair issues in production and test environments with the automated problem center. You can maintain high uptime, performance, and responsiveness standards by associating and profiling transactions to determine the location and causes of application failures. Analyze resource consumption patterns and trends on historical data to plan for growth. Detail SQL query performance to identify potential bottlenecks and work with the database administrator to optimize SQL calls.
Detect and analyze memory leaks Optimize JVM memory parameters, detect memory leaks, garbage collection, and lock contention conditions with memory trends graphing and metric comparison. Heap analysis helps to pinpoint leaking classes so developers can fix defective code. The software captures the line number of code responsible for suspected leaking classes and methods. This will help establish the relationship between referenced objects in the heap and allocating class names.
View all in-flight Java EE transactions Track in real time all in-flight Java™ EE transactions. These include composite transactions that cross JVMs into the CICS® and IMS subsystems, performing near real time Java™ stack traces and thread dumps. You can compare key system and JVM metrics on working and nonworking systems to help isolate differences that might cause problems.

Technical details

Software requirements
See the link for the latest software requirements.
Hardware requirements
There are no hardware requirements specified with this product.

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Other resources

ITCAM for Application Diagnostics User Scenarios
Scenarios that describe how the agents might be used to monitor and diagnose problems in your application environment.
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How to get in touch
Priority code: IBM Z

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSDTGT","label":"Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics on z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cwAZAAY","label":"Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics for z\/OS"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
21 September 2020

