
This inquiry transaction retrieves the details for all entity spec uses that a given product can access through its product type, its associated categories, or both. An entity spec use defines an association between an entity instance (such as category and product type) and a specification (spec).
Web Services
Operation name: getAllEntitySpecUsesByProduct
Service name: ProductService
Retrieve the details for all of the entity spec uses that can be accessed by a product based on its product type.

Retrieve details for all entity spec uses that can be accessed by a product based on all the categories associated with the product in one or more category hierarchies, including the cascaded entity spec uses from parent categories.

Retrieve details for all entity spec uses that can be accessed by a product based on its product type and product categorizations in the "Merchandising" hierarchy.

Usage information
The SpecUseEntityName can be used to determine which of the entity spec uses that can be accessed by the product will be returned by the transaction:
  • If SpecUseEntityName=PRODUCTTYPE, this transaction returns entity spec uses that are associated with a product's product type and parent product type in the product type hierarchy.
  • If SpecUseEntityName=CATEGORY, this transaction returns entity spec uses that are associated with the product's categories and parent categories in category hierarchies.
  • If SpecUseEntityName is not provided, this transaction returns entity spec uses that the product can access through both its product type and its associated categories.
Note: SpecUseEntityName is not case sensitive and can be provided in upper, lower, or mixed case.

When requesting entity spec uses that can be accessed by the product through its associated categories, you can specify the category hierarchies from which to retrieve the entity spec uses by supplying one or more category hierarchy identifiers (CatHierarchyIds) in the request. If CatHierarchyId is not provided, this transaction returns entity spec uses from all associated categories in all category hierarchies accessible by the product.

This transaction does not support the Pagination feature.

The product must exist.
Mandatory input
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
This transaction supports filters. Valid values are:
  • ACTIVE – returns only active entity spec use records that can be accessed by the product.
  • INACTIVE – returns only inactive entity spec use records that can be accessed by the product.
  • ALL – returns all entity spec use records, both active and inactive, that can be accessed by the product.

This filter is optional. Filter values are not case sensitive for this transaction.

If the filter value is not provided, all records are returned by default.

Transaction behavior
The transaction returns both explicitly defined and cascaded (inherited) entity spec uses that can be accessed by the product.
A product can inherit an active entity spec use from a parent product type in the product type hierarchy if both of the following conditions are true:
  • The cascade type in the entity spec use indicates that the spec use will be cascaded.
  • The entity spec use StartDate and EndDate overlap with those of the product's product type.
A product that is associated with a category can inherit an active entity spec use from an ancestor node if all of the following conditions are true:
  • The associated category has an active path to the ancestor node. A path is considered active if all category relationships along the path are active.
  • The cascade type in the entity spec use indicates that the entity spec use will be cascaded.
  • The entity spec use StartDate and EndDate at the ancestor node overlap with those of the product category association.
Request message
<TCRMTxType> getAllEntitySpecUsesByProduct

<TCRMTxObject> ProductSpecRequestBObj

<TCRMObject> ProductSpecRequestBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable