
This transaction updates an entity spec use. An entity spec use defines an association between an entity instance (such as category, product type, or agreement type) and a spec. The only elements that can be updated are the SearchableIndicator, StartDate, EndDate, and SpecUseType.
Web Services
Operation name: updateEntitySpecUse
Service name: DWLCommonServices-Admin
Inactivate a given spec use because the Entity Type instance expired today. As a result, the spec use between the spec and the Entity instance has also ended, effective today.
Usage information
To make a spec use inactive, use this transaction to set the EndDate prior to or equal to the current date.
When updating an entity spec use associated with a product type:
  • The StartDate and EndDate must be within the date range specified by the start and end dates of the spec identified by SpecId.
  • The EndDate must be before the expiry dates of SpecUseCascadeType and SpecUseType.
  • The StartDate and EndDate must be within the date range specified by the start and end dates of the directly associated Product Type referenced in the InstancePK, as long as the product type is active.
    Note: An entity spec use can remain active even after the product type is inactivated. This enables you to update product spec values even after the product type has become inactive.
When updating an entity spec use associated with a category:
  • The StartDate and EndDate must be within the date range specified by the start and end dates of the spec identified by SpecId.
  • The EndDate must be before the expiry dates of SpecUseCascadeType and SpecUseType.
  • The StartDate and EndDate must be within the date range specified by the start and end dates of the directly associated Category referenced in the InstancePK, as long as the category is active.
When updating an entity spec use associated with an agreement type:
  • The StartDate and EndDate must be within the date range specified by the start and end dates of the spec identified by SpecId.
  • The EndDate must be before the expiry dates of SpecUseCascadeType and SpecUseType.
  • The EndDate must be before the expiry date of the agreement type referenced in the InstancePK.
Set the SearchableIndicator to N to disable spec value searches on the spec for the destination entity. When you update the SearchableIndicator:
  • If the indicator is changed from not searchable (N) to searchable (Y), the system must index the searchable spec attributes.
  • If the indicator is changed from searchable (Y) to not searchable (N), the system must clean the index.
Note: For more information about indexing and its impact on spec value searches, see the developer reference documentation on specs.
The spec use must exist.
Mandatory input
  • EntitySpecUseId
  • EntitySpecUseLastUpdateDate
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior

Once an entity spec use is inactive, the existing spec values associated with the spec (for a product or agreement) can no longer be updated, retrieved, or searched on, and new spec values cannot be added for the spec unless the product or agreement can access the same spec through another, still active, entity spec use that references the spec.

Request message
<DWLTxType> updateEntitySpecUse

<DWLTxObject> EntitySpecUseBObj

<DWLObject> EntitySpecUseBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable