
This inquiry transaction retrieves the details for all entity spec uses for a given instance of a specification (spec). An entity spec use defines an association between an entity instance (such as category, product type, or agreement type) and a spec.
Web Services
Operation name: getAllEntitySpecUsesBySpecId
Service name: DWLCommonServices-Admin
Retrieve the details for all of the entity spec uses associated with the "Electronics Spec" spec.
Usage information
The input to this transaction is the identifier of the spec being queried.

The SpecId value is case sensitive and must be provided in uppercase letters.

This transaction does not support the Pagination feature.

The spec must exist.
Mandatory input
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
This transaction supports filters. Valid values are:
  • ACTIVE – returns only active entity spec use records that the given entity instance is associated with.
  • INACTIVE – returns only inactive entity spec use records that the given entity instance is associated with.
  • ALL – returns all entity spec use records, both active and inactive, that the given entity instance is associated with.

This filter is optional. Filter values are not case sensitive for this transaction.

If the filter value is not provided, all records are returned by default.

Transaction behavior
Not applicable
Request message
<InquiryType> getAllEntitySpecUsesBySpecId


<methodParam name = "SpecId">

<methodParam name = "Filter">

Response objects
Special note

For information about the getAllEntitySpecUsesByProduct transaction, refer to the InfoSphere® MDM Transaction Reference Guide.