
This inquiry transaction returns the information for an EntitySpecUse. An EntitySpecUse defines an association between an entity instance (such as category, product type, or agreement type) and a spec.
Web Services
Operation name: getEntitySpecUse
Service name: DWLCommonServices-Admin
Retrieve the details of a specific EntitySpecUse, with an ID of 3214124.
The details indicate that:
  • this is an association between the loan product spec with the loan product type instance
  • the spec use type governs product common attribute values
  • the spec cascades to all descendents of the product type
  • this is an exclusive definition between the spec and product type
  • the target entity to use the spec is Product
  • the start date is specified, but the end date is not
Usage information
Not applicable
Not applicable
Mandatory input
  • EntitySpecUseId
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
Not applicable
Request message
<InquiryType> getEntitySpecUse


     <methodParam name = "EntitySpecUseId">

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable