Creating a Liberty profile server manually

You can create a server from the command prompt.

Before you begin

For distributed platforms You can create a server as described in this topic, or as described in Creating a Liberty profile server by using developer tools.


  1. Open a command prompt, then change directory to the wlp/bin directory.
  2. Run the following command to create a server. If you do not specify a server name, defaultServer is used.
    • For Windows platformsFor LINUX platforms
      server create server_name


A server is created if the specified server does not already exist. If the specified server already exists, an exception message is generated and no server is created. The TCP/IP ports for the new server are not automatically assigned. You can specify those ports by Specifying Liberty profile bootstrap properties other than using the default ones.

What to do next

Configure your server to have the features that your application requires. See Administering the Liberty profile manually.

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Timestamp icon Last updated: Wednesday, 22 May 2013
File name: twlp_setup_new_server.html