Administering the Liberty profile from the command prompt

You can use the server command and ws-server.jar executable JAR file to create a server, to start, or stop a server, to check if it is running, or debug a server.

About this task

The wlp/bin directory contains a script called server to help with controlling the server process. The syntax of this script is as follows:
server <action> [server] [options]

For available values of the options, see Liberty profile: server command options.

This script supports the following actions:
A command that creates a new server.
A command that launches the server in the foreground.
A command that runs the named server in the console foreground after a debugger connects to the debug port. The default port is 7777. Fix Pack 8550 You can use the WLP_DEBUG_ADDRESS variable to specify an alternative port.
A command that creates a snapshot of a server and saves the result into an archive file for further tuning and diagnosis.
Fix Pack 8501 javadump
A command that creates a snapshot of the server JVM and saves the result into files. Each dump type creates a file in ${server.output.dir}, but not all dump types are supported by all virtual machines.
A command that packages a server.
A command that launches the server as a background process.
A command that stops a running server.
A command that checks to see whether a specified server is running.
A command that displays the version information of current server and Java™ runtime environment.
A command that gets command-line script help, including details of additional options.
Note: If a server is not specified on the command line, the action is performed against the default server instance, defaultServer, if it exists.
You can also carry out similar actions by using the executable JAR file ws-server.jar that is in the ${wlp.install.dir}/bin/tools directory.


To run the server script on Windows systems:
server.bat create server_name
server.bat package server_name
server.bat run server_name
server.bat help server_name
To run the server script on other systems:
server create server_name
server package server_name
server run server_name
server help server_name
To run the executable JAR file ws-server.jar without using the server script:
java -javaagent:bin/tools/ws-javaagent.jar -jar bin/tools/ws-server.jar server_name --create 
java -javaagent:bin/tools/ws-javaagent.jar -jar bin/tools/ws-server.jar server_name
java -javaagent:bin/tools/ws-javaagent.jar -jar bin/tools/ws-server.jar --help
The --help option provides information about additional command-line parameters for the executable JAR file ws-server.jar , such as --stop, --version, --clean, --include.

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Timestamp icon Last updated: Wednesday, 22 May 2013
File name: twlp_admin_script.html