Filtering resources in a view

When you open a resource view, it might show many resources. You can apply a filter to show resources with similar resource attributes, or to locate a single resource. You can filter by one or more resource attributes that are displayed as columns in the view.

About this task

For most CICS® resource table views, you can filter by one or more resource attributes in the open view. You can select a value of a resource attribute in the view, or specify a resource attribute, to filter resources by. These filters are known as quick filters. Quick filters are retained with the view if you refresh or reopen it, but are not saved to the view configuration.

Tip: If you often use specific filters, but with varying filter values, you can create quick filters with empty values so they are always available when you open the view.

If you apply multiple filters to a view, the effect is cumulative.

You can also apply filters when you configure a view. You can filter resources by any attribute that applies to the view, including attributes that are not displayed. See Configuring a CICS resource table view. Any quick filters are not saved in the view configuration.

If a view is already configured to apply filters, a Filtered icon Filtered icon is displayed in the column header of each attribute that is used for filtering. The status bar in the view indicates that the records are filtered, and you can hover the mouse over the status bar to display a tooltip that shows details of the filters that are applied. Any quick filters that you apply to the open view are cumulative with the existing filters.

The following procedure does not apply to the Resource Group Definitions view, Group List Definitions view, and a small number of older-style views, as listed in Changing specific resource views. For the procedure that applies to these views, see Filtering resources in specific views.


  1. Start from the resource view that you want to filter.
  2. Ensure that the column for the attribute to filter resources by is displayed in the view. If you need to add a column, see Changing columns in a view.
  3. Specify the value of a resource attribute, or the resource attribute, to use to create the filter:
    • To specify an existing value of a resource attribute, locate the value to filter resources by in the table. Right-click the value, then click Add Quick Filter in the menu.
      Add Quick Filter menu

      If it is not already present, a filter toolbar is displayed in the view. A filter field for the selected attribute is displayed in the filter toolbar. The filter field shows the attribute name, the default operator for the type of attribute, and the selected value, displayed in the correct format for the type of attribute. For example, dates, times, and certain storage values are shown in a convenient to read format in the table, but in the format required for filtering in the filter field.

      Example filter toolbar in the Suspended Tasks view

      The view changes to display only resources that match the filter criteria. A Filtered icon Filtered icon is displayed in the column header of the attribute. The status bar in the view shows how many records are collected and indicates that the records are filtered. If you hover the mouse over the status bar, a tooltip shows details of the filters that are applied.

    • To specify a resource attribute, click the View Menu icon View menu icon in the toolbar of the view, click Quick Filters, then click the attribute to filter resources by.

      If it is not already present, a filter toolbar is displayed in the view. A filter field for the selected attribute is displayed in the filter toolbar. The filter field shows the attribute name, the default operator, and a value field or list, depending on the type of attribute.

      Example filter toolbar in the Suspended Tasks view

  4. Optional: To change the operator for the filter, click the arrow in the operator list then select an operator from the list. The list shows valid operators for the type of attribute.
    Restriction: Ensure that you select an operator that your CICS system connection supports. For example, a CMCI connection to a CICS TS Version 4 or later system supports all valid operators for the type of attribute, but some connections support only the "Equal to" (=) operator.
    Filter operator list for a text attribute
  5. Optional: Set or change the value to filter by.

    If you selected a value of a resource attribute to create the filter, the value is already set. Use this step if you want to change the value to filter by.

    • When the attribute has a predefined set of values, click the arrow in the value list then select a value from the list.
      Filter value list for a program type attribute
    • When the attribute does not have a predefined list of values, type the value in the value field, then press Enter.

      Your value must be suitable for the type of attribute. For example, if the attribute is numeric, you can apply a numeric filter, but you cannot apply a text filter.

      If the attribute is mixed case, the filter is case-sensitive. If the attribute is uppercase, any lowercase characters you enter are converted to uppercase.

      You can use wildcard characters in the value field:
      • You can use an asterisk (*) at the end of a filter to match any number of characters in a resource value, including none.
      • You can use one or more plus signs (+) anywhere in the filter, where each plus sign matches any single character in a resource value.
      • You can combine plus signs and an asterisk in a filter, but the asterisk must be the last character in the filter.
      Restriction: For some fields, wildcard characters are not appropriate and do not work. You must enter the full value that you want to match in these fields.

      If you enter a value that is not valid for the type of attribute, an error icon is displayed. You can hover the mouse over the error icon to display a tooltip about the error.

      Error in a filter value with a tooltip

    The view changes to display only resources that match the filter criteria. A Filtered icon Filtered icon is displayed in the column header of the attribute. The status bar in the view shows how many records are collected and indicates that the records are filtered. If you hover the mouse over the status bar, a tooltip shows details of the filters that are applied.
  6. Optional: Repeat the procedure from Step 3 for each filter that you want to apply to the view.
  7. Optional: To remove a filter from the view, click the Remove filter icon Remove filter icon in the corresponding filter field in the filter toolbar.
  8. Optional: To remove all filters from the view, click the Remove all filters icon Remove all filters icon in the filter toolbar.
  9. Optional: To reset the view to its configured columns, filters and sorting, click the Reset to View Configuration button reset to configuration option in the toolbar all options of the view.


The view displays only resources that match the filter criteria. A Filtered icon Filtered icon is displayed in the column header of each attribute that is used for filtering. The status bar in the view shows how many records are collected and indicates that the records are filtered. If you hover the mouse over the status bar, a tooltip shows details of the filters that are applied.

If you refresh the view, the current quick filters are retained. If you close the view, the quick filters are displayed in the filters toolbar and applied to the view the next time that you open the view.