IBM Support

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about IBM Business Monitor (formerly IBM WebSphere Business Monitor)

Product Documentation


The following list includes frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Business Monitor to help you troubleshoot potential problems and enhance how you use the product.

As of October 2014, this content is no longer being updated and will be archived in 60 days.

The information contained in this document has been moved to IBM developerWorks Answers located at


Do you have ideas for other FAQs about Business Monitor? Give us your feedback in the Rate this page section at the bottom.
Additional FAQ documents are available for other Business Process Management products.

FAQ table of contents

Getting started
1. Where can I learn more about Business Monitor?

2. Where can I learn more about how Business Monitor and Alphablox integrate?

3. What's new in Business Monitor?

4. Where do I find information about Business Space?

Installing and configuring

1. Where can I find detailed system requirements for Business Monitor V7.5?

2. How can I find hints or tips for planning, installing, configuring, or turning a Business Monitor implementation?

3. What topologies does Business Monitor support?

4. What operating systems are supported by Business Monitor?

5. How do I install the Business Monitor development toolkit and the WebSphere test environment on Microsoft Windows 7?

6. I am planning to use a Linux or UNIX operating system. Do I need to check my ulimit values?

7. I am planning to use Red Hat Linux 6.1 or later and use IBM Cognos. Is there anything I should be aware of when creating this environment?

8. I am planning to use Alphablox with Business Monitor V7.0. Do I need to install Alphablox?

9. I am planning to use the Business Monitor widgets that use Alphablox. Are there tuning considerations that I need to be aware of?

10. How can I move the Monitor Bus from the support cluster to the messaging cluster?

11. Does Business Monitor support updating IBM WebSphere Application Server to a newer fix pack level?

12. I am planning to install Business Monitor fix pack V7.0.0.3. Do I need to use the WebSphere Update Installer tool or IBM Installation Manager?

13. Can I apply an IBM Cognos Fix Pack to IBM Business Monitor?

14. I am planning to use a network deployment topology. Do I need to start or stop the clusters in any particular order?

15. How do I configure WebSEAL for Business Monitor?

16. Can I use the Profile Management Tool (PMT) to create profiles on 64-bit architectures?

17. How do I configure the queue bypass method of receiving events?

18. How do I configure the Business Monitor widgets in Business Space?

19. Can multiple WebSphere administrators to make changes to my Monitor configuration concurrently?

20. I am planning to install the Business Monitor V7.0.0.x fix pack. Must I also install the WebSphere Integration Developer and WebSphere Process Server V7.0.0.x fix packs?


1. Can I use Java 2 security with Business Monitor?


1, I am planning to use Oracle with Business Monitor. Where can I find information on how to set up databases and permissions?

2. Can I use a derby database in production environments?

3. How can I change the Common Event Infrastructure Messaging Engine to use a database other than Derby?

Authoring models
1. What are suggestions for authoring a monitor model?

2. Can I use a recurring wait time trigger to terminate an instance of a monitor context?

3. Are there considerations that I should be aware of when using recurring wait time triggers in my monitor model?

1. I have a diagram view that contains KPIs and takes a long time to load. Can I change a configuration value to improve my performance?

1. How do you use an Oracle 11g JDBC driver?

2. I am trying to install Business Monitor. However, the Monitor Action Services and Scheduled Services applications do not install. How can I resolve this issue?

3. I am trying to install a monitor model, but it will not install. I have two WebSphere Application Servers running on the same host but in different cells. How can I resolve this issue?

4. I lose my client connection with Oracle 11g several times a day. How can I resolve this issue?

5. I cannot see my events on my dashboards. How can I resolve this issue?

6. I cannot see my events on my dashboards and wonder if my monitor model is not using them. How can I resolve this issue?

7. I am not receiving events and instances are not viewable on the dashboard. I have a network deployment cell and my Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) node does not have Business Monitor installed on it. How can I resolve this issue?

8. Is there another source of information that describes problems, workarounds, and limitations for Business Monitor?

9. I am using a Firefox browser and some calls to websites result in a JavaScript error: “Permission denied to call method Location.toString”. How can I resolve this issue?

10 I am trying to generate Business Monitor J2EE projects but there are errors in the Problems view. Is this a known issue?

11. My monitor model is not using events. How do I debug my monitor model?

12. I am using the Monitor Export Values widget and when I click Export, the File menu item is missing from the browser window that was opened. How can I resolve this issue?

13. How do I resubmit failed events that are showing up on the System Exception Queue?

14. My dashboard alerts are not appearing in the Alerts widget. How can I resolve this issue?

15. If I generate my monitor model application using WebSphere Integration Developer and the Business Monitor headless deployment tool, the application structure is different. Is this a problem?

16. I received one or more warning messages stating "HMGR0152W: CPU Stavation detected." in my SystemOut.log file. How can I resolve this issue?

17. I am having trouble installing a monitor model application using the WebSphere Application Server administrative console. For step 11 (Select Monitor model CEI options.), the event group profile list names and scopes are not updated. How can I resolve this issue?

18. I have failed event sequences on my WebSphere administrative console. What do I need to do to resolve them?

19. I cannot receive Business Monitor Dashboard alerts when using a group name as the recipient. How can I resolve this issue?

20. I see an incorrect schema name for the Business Monitor database in my log files. How can I resolve this issue?

21. I exported my business space pages from one machine and then imported them into another machine, but my KPIs are not displaying properly and I received the 'Retrieval Error'. How can I resolve this issue?

22. I am using Rational Application Developer to test my monitor model and I added the project to my server, but it is not working. How can I resolve this issue?

23. I am having problems starting an Alphablox cube that is associated with my monitor model. The error in the Alphablox server log indicates there is a NULL value detected. How can I resolve this issue?

24. When you follow the instructions to install the Business Monitor development toolkit and WebSphere test environment on Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Vista as a non-administrator, as described in Installing as a non-administrative user, the qmwas server that was created during the installation process is missing from the Servers tab in Rational Application Developer. How can I resolve this issue?

25. I am having trouble trying to upgrade my Business Monitor development toolkit which is running on Rational Application Developer V7.5.5.1. How can I resolve this issue?

26. I am experiencing session timeouts with my Reports and Dimensions widgets. How can I resolve this issue?

27. I have installed Business Monitor on a UNIX-based system using the root user. How can I change this setup so the system can be started by a non-root user?

28. What is the MM App Updater and when do I need to run it?

29. In my SystemOut.log file, I see the following message: "ADMN0022E: Access is denied for the getDeploymentDescriptor operation on Application MBean because of insufficient or empty credentials." How can I resolve this issue?

30 When I try to deploy a model, I see the following message: "CWMRT6315E: Invalid module target. One of the target nodes only has Monitor V6.2.0.2 install." How can I resolve this issue?

31. I have two or more monitor models (using queue bypass event routing) installed in my Monitor environment, and suddenly for two of the models I cannot see any new data reflected in the dashboard widgets. How can I resolve this issue?

32. Does Monitor require that the startup bean service be enabled on servers were Monitor models are deployed?

33. I am trying to install or update Business Monitor and Installation Manager appears to be hanging. How do I resolve this issue?

34. I am having problems with my Monitor WebSphere Test Environment. How can I start over without having to uninstall and reinstall the software?

35. My alerts contain escape characters. How can I resolve this issue?

36. Installation Manager appears unresponsive during the installation process. How can I resolve this issue?

37. I recently changed my user ID and password for Common Event Infrastructure (CEI). Could that cause an LTPA authentication exception?

38. I am trying to update my Business Monitor Development Toolkit to V6.2.0.3. I am seeing an error message "Updating IBM WebSphere Business Monitor Development Toolkit to is not allowed; it is not compatible with IBM WebSphere Process Server or WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus Test Environment". How can I resolve this issue?

39. I cannot load packages in Cognos Report Studio when using Firefox 9 or later. How can I resolve this issue?

40. I am unable to publish cubes to the IBM Cognos BI service. How can I resolve this issue?

41. My IBM Business Monitor server running the IBM Cognos BI service hangs when starting the server. How can I resolve this?

42. I use Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Developers V8 to develop my monitor models. My trial license has expired. How do I resolve this issue?

43. How can I help IBM troubleshoot IBM Business Monitor issues?

44. I am using IBM Business Monitor in a network topology with IBM Cognos and I see "SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /p2pd/servlet/dispatch has not been defined" error messages. How can I resolve this issue?

45. I cannot create a deployment manager profile in an environment where I have IBM Cognos. How can I resolve this issue?

46. Some database queries are running slowly in my environment. Can I create indexes to improve performance?

47. Does IBM Business Monitor have suggested good practices for tuning an IBM Business Monitor Topology?

FAQ questions and answers

Getting started

FAQ: Where can I learn more about Business Monitor?
Answer (V8.0): See the IBM Business Monitor V8 Roadmap.
Answer (V7.5, V7.0, V6.2): See IBM Education Assistant for IBM Business Monitor. You can also find information about developerWorks in the IBM Business Process Management Journal.

FAQ: Where can I learn more about how Business Monitor and Alphablox integrate?
Answer (V6.2): You can view a WebSphere Technical Exchange webcast that explains topics such as architecture and topologies, installation scenarios, and troubleshooting techniques. For more information, see WebCast Replay: WebSphere Business Monitor and Alphablox.

FAQ: What's new in Business Monitor?
Answer (V8.0): See What's new in IBM Business Monitor V8.0.
Answer (V6.2): See What's new in WebSphere Business Monitor 6.2.

FAQ: Where can I find information about Business Space?
Answer (V7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): Business Space powered by WebSphere is a common component used by many products. For more information, see the Business Space FAQ.

Installing and configuring

FAQ: Where can I find detailed system requirements for Business Monitor V7.5?
Answer (V7.5): See Detailed hardware and software configuration options for IBM Business Monitor version 7.5.
FAQ: How can I find hints or tips for planning, installing, configuring, or tuning a Business Monitor implementation?
Answer (V8.5): See IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance and Tuning Best Practices.
Answer (V6.2): See the WebSphere Business Monitor Checklist for V6.2.

FAQ: What topologies does Business Monitor support?
Answer (V7.0): See WebSphere Business Process Management V7 Production Topologies.
Answer (V6.2): See WebSphere Business Process Management V7 Production Topologies and z/OS: WebSphere Business Process Management V7 Production Topologies.

FAQ: What operating systems does Business Monitor support?
Answer (V8.0): See the IBM Business Monitor and WebSphere Business Monitor detailed system requirements.
Answer (V7.5): See Detailed hardware and software requirements for IBM Business Monitor version 7.5.
Answer (V6.2): See List of supported operating systems for WebSphere Business Monitor, version 6.2.0.x

FAQ: How do I install the Business Monitor development toolkit and the WebSphere test environment on Microsoft Windows 7?
Answer (V7.0): See Installing and updating WebSphere Business Monitor development toolkit and WebSphere test environment V7.0 on Windows 7.

FAQ: I am planning to use a Linux or UNIX operating system. Do I need to check my ulimit values?
Answer (V8.0): Yes. There are known issues during installation and profile creation that are caused by improper ulimit settings. For more information, see Preparing Linux systems for installation.
Answer (V7.5): Yes. There are known issues during installation and profile creation that are caused by improper ulimit settings. For more information, see Preparing operating systems for product installation.
Answer (V7.0): Yes. There are known issues during installation and profile creation that are caused by improper ulimit settings. For more information, see Preparing operating systems for product installation.
Answer (V6.2): Yes. There are known issues during installation and profile creation that are caused by improper ulimit settings. For more information, see Preparing operating systems for product installation.

FAQ: I am planning to use Red Hat Linux 6.1 or later and use IBM Cognos. Is there anything I should be aware of when creating this environment?
Answer (V8.0, 7.5,1 and 7.5): Be aware of the following:

FAQ: I am planning to use Alphablox with Business Monitor V7.0. Do I need to install Alphablox?
Answer (V7.0): No. The Business Monitor V7.0 installation takes care of this for you.

FAQ: I am planning to use the Business Monitor widgets that use Alphablox. Are there tuning considerations that I need to be aware of?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See Tuning Alphablox for WebSphere Business Monitor.

FAQ: How can I move the Monitor Bus from the support cluster to the messaging cluster?
Answer (V7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): See Moving Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) Bus from Support to Messaging cluster.

FAQ: Does Business Monitor support updating IBM WebSphere Application Server to a newer fix pack level?
Answer (V8.0,7.5.1,7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): Because other products frequently ship fixes, updates, and new releases, testing every configuration is not possible. However, unless otherwise stated, you can install and run updates to supported products if those updates are compatible with later versions.

FAQ: I am planning to install Business Monitor fix pack V7.0.0.3. Do I need to use the WebSphere Update Installer tool or IBM Installation Manager?
Answer (V7.0): Both are required:

  1. Use the WebSphere Update Installer tool to remove two iFixes that had been applied to WebSphere Application Server.
  2. After the iFixes have been removed, use Installation Manager to apply the update for WebSphere Application Server V7.0.0.11.
  3. Use Installation Manager to update the XML Feature Pack to install the Business Monitor fix pack V7.0.0.3.

FAQ: Can I apply an IBM Cognos Fix Pack to IBM Business Monitor?
Answer (V8.0.1,8.0,7.5.1): Yes. You can apply a Cognos Fix Pack for Cognos 10.1.1 to an existing IBM Business Monitor. In general, the fix packs are supported. For information about IBM Cognos 10.1.1 fix packs, see IBM Cognos Fix Packs. For instructions about how to regenerate the Cognos EAR file, see Generating an EAR file for IBM Cognos BI on a custom IBM Business Monitor node.

FAQ: I am planning to use a network deployment topology. Do I need to start or stop the clusters in any particular order?
Answer (V8.0, 7.5.1, 7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): Yes, the order is important. When you stop the monitoring environment, complete the following steps:

  1. Stop the cluster that hosts the monitor model applications.
  2. Stop the cluster that hosts the Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) server.
  3. Stop the cluster that hosts the messaging engine.

When you start the monitoring environment, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the cluster hosting the messaging engine.
  2. Start the cluster hosting the CEI server.
  3. Start the cluster hosting the monitor model applications.

FAQ: How do I configure WebSEAL for Business Monitor?
Answer (V6.2): See Configuring WebSEAL for WebSphere Business Monitor.

FAQ: Can I use the Profile Management Tool (PMT) to create profiles on 64-bit architectures?

Answer (V8.0): This version of Business Monitor uses WebSphere Application Server V8.0.0.3, which supports the PMT.

Answer (V7.5.1.1): This version of WebSphere Business Monitor uses WebSphere Application Server V7.0.0.25, which supports the PMT.
Answer (V7.0.0.5): This version of WebSphere Business Monitor uses WebSphere Application Server V7.0.0.23, which supports the PMT.
Answer (V7.5, 7.5.1,7.0, and 6.2): No, you must use the manageprofiles command. For more information, see PK80208: CANNOT USE PMT TO CREATE PROFILES FOR 64-BIT ARCHITECTURES (EXCEPT FOR LINUX FOR ZSERIES ON 64-BIT ARCHITECTURE)

FAQ: How do I configure the queue bypass method of receiving events?
Answer (V7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): See Configuring queue bypass for WebSphere Business Monitor.

FAQ: How do I configure the Business Monitor widgets in Business Space?
Answer (V7.0): The widgets appear automatically. For more information, see Enabling Business Space widgets for cross-cell environments.
Answer (V6.2): All widgets required for your product are installed with Business Space, but you must register the endpoints needed by the widgets before your team can use them in Business Space. You can register the endpoints for some widgets on the System REST Service Endpoints administrative console page. However, endpoints for WebSphere® Business Modeler Publishing Server widgets, Business Monitor widgets, and WebSphere Business Services Fabric widgets must be registered manually in the endpoints files. See Enabling Business Space widgets manually for remote endpoints.

FAQ: Can multiple WebSphere administrators to make changes to my Monitor configuration concurrently?
Answer (V7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): No. Only one administrator at a time should make changes to a configuration.

FAQ: I am planning to install the Business Monitor V7.0.0.x fix pack. Must I also install the WebSphere Integration Developer and WebSphere Process Server V7.0.0.x fix packs?
Answer (V7.0.0.x): You must install all three fix packs at the same time. If you plan to download and install the fix packs locally, be aware that Business Monitor requires the XML Feature Pack and that WebSphere Process Server requires the XML Feature Pack and the SCA Feature Pack. Updates to the XML and SCA Feature Packs require you to also download those updates so that you can install the fix pack locally.


FAQ: Can I use Java 2 security with Business Monitor?
Answer (V7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): No. Alphabox does not support Java 2 security.


FAQ: I am planning to use Oracle with Business Monitor. Where can I find information on how to set up databases and permissions?
Answer (V7.0): See the following topics:

Answer (V6.2): See the following topics:

FAQ: Can I use a Derby database in production environments?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): If you do use a Derby database, do so only in a development or test environment. Do not use a Derby database in any production environments.

FAQ: How can I change the Common Event Infrastructure Messaging Engine to use a database other than Derby?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): Complete the following steps:

  1. If your monitor model application is queue-based, ensure that all events are processed and that the queues are drained before you proceed to step 2.
  2. Use the sibDDLGenerator command to create the Common Event Infrastructure Messaging engine tables for your database. For more information, see sibDDLGenerator command.
  3. Provide your DBA with DDL generated and have them execute this DDL. Be sure to obtain information from your DBA in order to create a data source.
  4. Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console.
  5. Delete the existing Derby data source.
  6. Create a new data source that points to the new database that contains the Common Event Infrastructure Messaging Engine tables.
  7. Save all configuration changes.
  8. Test the connection to the data source.
  9. Stop your server, and then restart it.

Authoring models

FAQ: What are suggestions for authoring a monitor model?
Answer (V6.2):
See the WebSphere Business Monitor Checklist for V6.2.

FAQ: Can I use a recurring wait time trigger to terminate an instance of a monitor context?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): No. Lengthy system outages or heavy event traffic might cause unexpected or unwanted results such as active instances terminating before other incoming events could be processed.

FAQ: Are there considerations that I should be aware of when using recurring wait time triggers in my monitor model?
Answer (V8.0, 7.5.1, 7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): Yes. The first consideration is the length of the wait time. For example, does a trigger really need to fire every two minutes? A second consideration involves the number of instances that would be present in your environment. If there are millions of instances, you must consider the processing time that is associated with each instance. And the third consideration is the number of recurring wait time triggers. Numerous triggers compound the affect of not considering the wait time length and the number of instances.


FAQ: I have a diagram view that contains KPIs and takes a long time to load. Can I change a configuration value to improve my performance?
Answer (V8.0, 7.5.1, 7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): Yes. Complete the following steps:

  1. Log into your business apace.
  2. In the KPI Manager widget, modify each KPI on your KPI diagram.
  3. Select the appropriate model and version.
  4. Select the KPI name that is being referred to in your KPI diagram.
  5. Click Actions and then click the Properties drop-down menu. The KPI properties window is visible.
  6. Click the Other tab and then select Override default KPI cache interval (in minutes). The entry field to specify a value is now accessible.
  7. Enter a value that makes sense. For example, maybe the KPI must be refreshed daily only. In this case, specify a value of 1440.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Repeat steps 3 to 8 for each KPI that is on your KPI diagram.


FAQ: How do you use an Oracle 11g JDBC driver?
Answer (V6.2):
See Oracle 10g and 11g JDBC drivers.

FAQ: I am trying to install Business Monitor. However, the Monitor Action Services and Scheduled Services applications do not install. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V6.2): See Monitor action services and Monitor scheduled services applications fail to install.

FAQ: I am trying to install a monitor model, but it will not install. I have two WebSphere Application Servers running on the same host but in different cells. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V6.2): See Event group profile list not updated during monitor model installation.

FAQ: I lose my client connection with Oracle 11g several times a day. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V6.2):
See Connection with Oracle 11g client is lost.

FAQ: I cannot see my events on my dashboards. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V6.2): See Considerations for troubleshooting event processing related issues for WebSphere Business Monitor V6.1.

FAQ: I cannot see my events on my dashboards and wonder if my monitor model is not using them. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): There is an event flow diagnostic and validation tool for Business Monitor that can help you determine where the problem might exist. For more information, see Event flow diagnostic and validation tool for IBM WebSphere Business Monitor.

FAQ: I am not receiving events and instances are not viewable on the dashboard. I have a network deployment cell and my Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) node does not have Business Monitor installed on it. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V6.2): The issue has to do with plug-ins that do not exist on the CEI node. To resolve the issue, see Monitor model is not receiving events and instances are not viewable on the dashboard.

FAQ: Is there another source of information that describes problems, workarounds, and limitations for Business Monitor?
Answer (V7.0): Yes. See Problems, workarounds, and limitations for WebSphere Business Monitor 7.0.

FAQ: I am using a Firefox browser and some calls to websites result in a JavaScript error: “Permission denied to call method Location.toString”. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): It is safe to ignore this error. For more information, see "Permission denied to call method Location.toString" JavaScript error when viewing a website.

FAQ: I am trying to generate Business Monitor J2EE projects, but there are errors in the Problems view. Is this a known issue?

Answer (V7.0): These errors might be false errors. There is an intermittent problem. To determine whether these errors are false, complete the following steps:
  1. In the J2EE perspective, right-click the J2EE project that the errors refer to and then click Close Project.
  2. Right-click the same J2EE project and then click Open Project. The errors are no longer displayed.

FAQ: My monitor model is not using events. How do I debug my monitor model?

Answer (V7.0): See Getting started with the monitor model debugger.
Answer (V6.2): See Getting started with the monitor model debugger.

FAQ: I am using the Monitor Export Values widget and when I click Export, the File menu item is missing from the browser window that was opened. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See

FAQ: How do I resubmit failed events that are showing up on the System Exception Queue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See IBM Service Integration Bus Destination Handler tool.

FAQ: My dashboard alerts are not appearing in the Alerts widget? How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See Dashboard Alerts not appearing in alerts widget.

FAQ: If I generate my monitor model application using WebSphere Integration Developer and the Business Monitor headless deployment tool, the application structure is different. Is this a problem?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See Differences between monitor model application generation in WebSphere Integration Developer versus the headless deployment tool.

FAQ: I received one or more warning messages stating "HMGR0152W: CPU Starvation detected." in my SystemOut.log file. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See HMGR0152W: CPU Starvation detected messages in SystemOut.log.
If you are using Alphablox, See Tuning Alphablox for WebSphere Business Monitor.

FAQ: I am having trouble installing a monitor model application using the WebSphere Application Server administrative console. For step 11 (Select Monitor model CEI options.), the event group profile list names and scopes are not updated. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See Event group profile list is not updated during monitor model installation.

FAQ: I have failed event sequences on my WebSphere administrative console. What do I need to do to resolve them?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See Understanding WebSphere Business Monitor Failed Events Manager.

FAQ: I cannot receive Business Monitor Dashboard alerts when I use a group name as the recipient. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): Groups are supported only when the user account repository is a federated repository, not when the user account repository is a stand-alone LDAP.

FAQ: I see an incorrect schema name for the Business Monitor database in my log files. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): Incorrect schema names can occur if the schema name was manually changed in the DDL that was generated when the profile was created. See How to change Monitor's schema name.

FAQ: I exported my business space pages from one machine and then imported them into another machine, but my KPIs are not displaying properly and I am receiving a 'Retrieval Error'. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See Runtime KPI's show "Retrieval Error" when Export/Import Business Space Pages.

FAQ: I am using Rational Application Developer to test my monitor model and I added the project to my server, but it is not working. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): If you see a "java.lang.NoClassFoundError" in your SystemOut.log file and it identifies the class with the name "", you are most likely attempting to deploy this model to a server that is a WebSphere Application Server profile that was not augmented with Business Monitor. You should deploy your monitor model to a server that is using a profile that was augmented with Business Monitor. If there is no profile that meets that condition, then you should verify that you have installed the Business Monitor test environment.

FAQ: I am having problems starting an Alphablox cube that is associated with my monitor model. The error in the Alphablox server log indicates there is a NULL value detected. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See Error Message "cube hierarchy has a member with a NULL value" when starting a DB2 Alphablox relational cube.

FAQ: When you follow the instructions to install the Business Monitor Toolkit and WebSphere test environment on Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Vista as a non-administrator, as described in Installing as a non-administrative user, the qmwas server that was created during the installation process is missing from the Servers tab in Rational Application Developer. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0): Complete the following steps:

  1. In Rational Application Developer, select Windows > Show Views and then click Servers.
  2. Right-click anywhere in this tab and click New, and then click Server. The New Server window opens.
  3. Enter a meaningful name as the server name.
  4. From the "Server runtime environment" drop-down menu, select WebSphere Business Monitor Server - V7 on WebSphere Application Server and click Next.
  5. Supply the password for Admin and then click Finish.

FAQ: I am having trouble trying to upgrade my Business Monitor development toolkit, which is running on Rational Application Developer V7.5.5.1. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0): See WebSphere Business Monitor development toolkit V7,0 cannot be upgraded.

FAQ: I am experiencing session timeouts with my Reports and Dimensions widgets. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See JESSIONID information lost when navigating across servers.

FAQ: I have installed Business Monitor on a UNIX-based system using the root user. How can I change this setup so the system can be started by a non-root user?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): See Change owner of WebSphere Business Monitor to non-root user after installation by root user.

FAQ: What is the MM App Updater and when do I need to run it?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): After you update your Business Monitor installation with a fix pack, you need to update the individual monitor model applications because they are not updated automatically. Every monitor model application contains library code that may have been updated to fix issues. The MM App Updater is a script that updates the library code for a monitor model application. You should run the MM App Updater for each monitor model application in your environment. For more information, see the "Applying library code fixes to monitor model applications" section of the Business Monitor server fix pack installation instructions.

FAQ: In my SystemOut.log file, I see the following message: "ADMN0022E: Access is denied for the getDeploymentDescriptor operation on Application MBean because of insufficient or empty credentials." How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0): Complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Administration Console.
  2. Click Security > Java Authentication and Authorization Service > J2C authentication data.
  3. Select MonitorAlphabloxWASAlias, and update the name and password with the current WebSphere administrator user name and password.
  4. Save all changes and restart the server.
Answer (V6.2): See Modifying WAS user credentials in an Alphablox database repository.

FAQ: When I try to deploy a model, I see the following message: "CWMRT6315E: Invalid module target. One of the target nodes only has Monitor version installed." How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): You cannot use the Business Monitor development toolkit to generate and deploy a model to a server running an older version of Business Monitor. Upgrade your Monitor Server runtime environment to match the fix pack level that matches the Business Monitor development toolkit.

FAQ: I have two or more monitor models (using queue bypass event routing) installed in my Monitor environment, and suddenly for two of the models I cannot see any new data reflected in the dashboard widgets. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.0): See Two monitor models installed on same Monitor environment stop processing events.

FAQ: Does Monitor require that the startup bean service be enabled on servers were Monitor models are deployed?
Answer (V7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): Yes. See Startup bean service settings.

FAQ: I am trying to install or update Business Monitor and Installation Manager appears to be hanging. How do I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.5 and 7.0): See Installation Manager might hang when trying to access a Web-based repository.

FAQ: I am having problems with my Monitor WebSphere Test Environment. How can I start over without having to uninstall and reinstall the software?
Answer (V7.5): The Test Environment within IBM Integration Designer has a function called "profile reset". You can use this function to delete a profile and database artifacts and then recreate them. Complete the following steps:

  1. Start Integration Designer.
  2. Click Windows > Show Views and then click Servers.
  3. Stop the server.
  4. Right-click your Business Monitor server and select Manage Server Profiles.
  5. Check the check box for the Business Monitor profile.
  6. Click OK.

Answer (V7.0 and 6.2): The WebSphere Test Environment within IBM WebSphere Integration Developer has a function called "profile reset". You can use this function to delete a profile and database artifacts and then recreate them. Complete the following steps:
  1. Start WebSphere Integration Developer.
  2. Click Windows > Show Views and then click Servers.
  3. Stop the server.
  4. Right-click your Business Monitor server and click Manage Server Profiles.
  5. Check the check box for the Business Monitor profile.
  6. Click OK.

FAQ: My alerts contain escape characters. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): See Monitor action services configuration internationalization.

FAQ: Installation Manager appears unresponsive during the installation process. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V7.5 and 7.0): See Installation Manager hangs during startup while trying to access a URL.

FAQ: I recently changed my user ID and password for Common Event Infrastructure (CEI). Could that cause an LTPA authentication exception?
Answer (V7.5, 7.0, and 6.2): Yes. To resolve this issue, see Multiple versions model to change CEI distribution mode got LTPA authentication exception after CEI password change.

FAQ: I am trying to update my Business Monitor Development Toolkit to V6.2.0.3. I am seeing an error message "Updating IBM WebSphere Business Monitor Development Toolkit to is not allowed; it is not compatible with IBM WebSphere Process Server or WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus Test Environment". How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V6.2): The most probable cause is that your Installation Manager needs to be updated to at least V1.3.4.1. In general, it is always a good idea to update Installation Manager to the latest levels before you start an installation.

FAQ: I cannot load packages in Cognos Report Studio when using Firefox 9 or later. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V8.0 and 7.5.1): See Cognos 10.1.1 Business Intelligence Server fix bundle (build 10.1.6235.1134).

FAQ: I am unable to publish cubes to the IBM Cognos BI service when using IBM Business Monitor. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V8.0 and 7.5.1): See IBM Business Monitor is unable to publish cubes to IBM Cognos BI service.

FAQ: My IBM Business Monitor server running IBM Cognos BI service hangs when starting the server. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V8.0 and 7.5.1): See IBM Business Monitor server running the IBM Cognos BI service hangs on startup.

FAQ: I use Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Developers V8 to develop my monitor models. My trial license has expired. How do I resolve this issue?
Answer (V8.0, 7.5.1, and 7.5): A permanent license can be obtained from Passport Advantage. You must download part number CICB9ML and follow the instructions to activate a permanent license.

FAQ: How can I help IBM troubleshoot IBM Business Monitor issues?
Answer (V7.5): See Collect troubleshooting data for IBM Business Monitor V7.5.

FAQ: I am using IBM Business Monitor in a network topology with IBM Cognos and I see "SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /p2pd/servlet/dispatch has not been defined" error messages. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V8.0, 7.5.1, and 7.5): See SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /p2pd/servlet/dispatch has not been defined.

FAQ: I cannot create a deployment manager profile in an environment where I have IBM Cognos. How can I resolve this issue?
Answer (V8.0.1, 8.0, 7.5.1, and 7.5): See Cannot create deployment manager profile where IBM Cognos is also installed.

FAQ: Some database queries are running slowly in my environment. Can I create indexes to improve performance?
Answer (V8.0, 7.5.1, and 7.5): Yes, you can create indexes to help improve performance. If you are using data movement services, you can ask your database administrator to create the following indexes:

  • An index for the CREATION_TIME column for each monitor model deployed and has the table name that starts with "TGT_"
  • An index for the SEQUENCE and MARKED_FOR_DELETE columns for each monitor model deployed and has the table name that starts with "DCC_"
  • An index for the MCIID column for each monitor model deployed and has the table name that starts with "DCL_"

FAQ: Does IBM Business Monitor have suggested good practices for tuning an IBM Business Monitor topology?
Answer (V8.0.1, 8.0, 7.5.1, and 7.5): Yes, The following are the top best practices recommended to follow:

    • (This applies to IBM DB2 only) Set the following two DB2 tuning parameters:
      • db2set DB2_SKIPINSERTED=ON
      • db2set DB2_SKIPDELETED=ON
    • Follow the basic tuning guidelines that are documented in Tuning the Monitor database and Database: general tuning.
    • Install the latest current fix pack for IBM Business Monitor.
    • Use synchronous event emission. In the administrative console, look for the "MonitorEmitterFactory" under Event emitter factories and ensure the "Support event service transmission" check box is selected.
    • Disable the CEI datastore. In the administrative console, select Event service > Event services -> Default Common Event Infrastructure event server and clear the "enable event data store" check box to avoid degraded performance.
    • Delete the CEI all events event group.In the administrative console, select Event service > Event services > Default Common Event Infrastructure event server > Event groups and delete the event group name "All Events" to avoid degraded performance.
    • Use Table-based event delivery, which is sometimes nicknamed "Queue Bypass" for the CEI distribution setting for all Monitor models.
    • Use Data Movement Service (DMS) to improve dashboard performance.
    • Use the Archive/Purge scheduled service to control the size of your Monitor database.
    • Tune WebSphere settings as needed, such as JVM heap size and work manager thread pools.

Original Publication Date

04 January 2010

[{"Product":{"code":"SS7NQD","label":"IBM Business Monitor"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;8.0.1;8.0;;7.5.1;;7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB36","label":"IBM Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSSRR3","label":"WebSphere Business Monitor"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"","label":"Linux zSeries"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.5.1;7.5;;;;;7.0;;;;6.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym

Monitor;WebSphere Business Monitor;Business Monitor

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

