Microsoft .Net Monitoring
What is Microsoft .Net and C#?

Microsoft .Net is a software framework that integrates written source code and application software by utilizing two main components: Framework Class Library (FCL) and Common Language Runtime (CLR). It is capable accepting multiple programming languages, converting them all to Common Intermediate Language before executing on them. Instana enables .Net monitoring for different code-slevel and class library orchestrations, as well as the integrations with any and all applications running in the framework.

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Monitoring .Net Configuration and Performance

To effectively monitor .Net, Instana specifically interacts with the framework’s CLR, which is responsible for managing the actual applications running inside .Net. The CLR converts source code into machine-readable instructions for CPU execution. Instana will monitor this process from end to end, ensuring that performance is maintained, and automatically alerting if a configured failure state is present. A list of specific performance metrics collected from the CLR are as follows:

  • Name
  • Version
  • Arguments

Instana will also monitor the CLR’s garbage collection in order to collect application and framework health states.

Please see Instana’s Documentation for more details.

Distributed .Net Tracing

Beginning with .Net 4.0, Instana supports application tracing within the .Net Framework. As Instana is primarily an out of the box APM solution, there are only two manual steps in configuring .Net tracing from Instana’s side. The traced metrics are as follows:

  • Garbage Collection
  • Heap Size
  • Thread-locks and Contention

Please see Instana’s Documentation for more details.

Getting Started Installing and Monitoring .Net

Ready to start? You’ll need an Instana Trial or Account first. Already got one? The best place to begin is Instana’s Getting Started Guide.

Instana Trial or Account Instana’s Getting Started Guide.