



IBM Cloud® GXP compliance
Illustration showing a person interacting with a computer interface, behind which are various documents and a miniature skyscraper
What is GxP?

GxP is a general acronym for a collective set of globally accepted “good practice” regulations and guidelines, including Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), Good Pharmacovigilance Practice (GVP) and Good Engineering Practice (GEP).

The purpose of GxP guidelines is to ensure the quality and safety of products in regulated industries such as those that produce food, drugs, medical devices, and cosmetics. Each industry has its own guidelines, but generally, GxP requirements come from agreed-upon standards and tend to be similar from country to country.

IBM position

IBM Cloud adheres to GxP standards and has implemented control frameworks integral to clients deploying regulated GxP workloads. These include ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 27017 and ISO 27018, and functionality such as quality management systems. IBM Service Descriptions (SD) indicate if a given offering maintains those ISO certifications. In addition to IBM Cloud Services that maintain ISO 9001, IBM maintains an IBM corporate certification for ISO 9001, as detailed on the ISO 9001 page.

IBM Cloud is able to deliver a secured, controlled global cloud environment by providing documented control of users, processes, data centers, suppliers, service management, change management, and incident response.

For more information, contact an IBM representative.

Resources Related programs

Read the white paper “Building GxP Regulated Systems on IBM Cloud.”

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