
IBM – Headline Sponsor at Cloud Expo Europe

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It’s that time of year again when the great and the good of the Cloud world converge on London and showcase their wares to an eager delegation of attendees. Yes, Cloud Expo Europe 2019 is almost upon us.

IBM will be there as the headline sponsor for the event, there will be numerous opportunities to come and see what the IBM Cloud has to offer in addressing your business needs and how it can accelerate your company’s journey realising the value a move to cloud can provide. Whether you want to leverage the best-in-class VMware solutions we have or go down a more cloud native route with our latest Kubernetes offering (IKS), we have a cloud solution for every business requirement you are looking to solve.

With over 190 services in the IBM Cloud catalogue and one of the largest global data centre footprint of any major cloud provider, we’re confident we can help your business win so come along and talk to us over the course of Cloud Expo Europe.

For many years now IBM have been leading the conversation about the need for a Hybrid cloud strategy to our clients and over the past 12 months, we have seen other cloud providers select partners to allow them to deliver a hybrid experience to their customers. We realise, and have for a while now, that not all workloads are suited to a cloud move for a number of reasons, be it security, regulatory or compliance, which is why we have strategies and solutions to accommodate hybrid scenarios to ensure your business critical workloads reside in the right place yet still have the flexibility and connectivity to work in harmony with the rest of your tech estate wherever it resides.

The next conversations we are having with our customers are focusing on the multicloud experience. 94% of enterprise customers are already using multiple clouds and 67% of enterprise customers are doing so using more than one public cloud provider. With that figure only likely to increase now is the time to start implementing a multicloud strategy. Having said that, how do enterprises build, deploy, operate and regulate multiple environments spread across a host of providers? IBM has the answer. We have a suite of tools designed to do just this. The first of its kind in the cloud industry, our ground-breaking Multi Cloud Manager (MCM) tool allows you to orchestrate and manage your Kubernetes clusters through a single pain of glass. Whether they sit on the IBM Cloud, AWS, Azure, GKE or in your data centre. IBM is the first and only cloud provider to offer a game-changing solution like this, so please come and ask us about it – we’d love to talk to you.

You can find us at Cloud Expo on 12th – 13th March at stand C2140. Check out all the sessions and subject matter experts that IBM are delivering across the two days. There’s still time to register for your free ticket so go ahead and we look forward to seeing you there!

Watson & Cloud Platform Technical Sales IBM Global Markets - Cloud Sales London, United Kingdom

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