小編 / Editor

Why Ecosystems May Determine Your Business Success

“It takes a village to raise a child” — nothing can be further from the truth that this old adage regarding today’s businesses. Today’s companies are interconnected, not solitary islands. They engage with each other at different levels. Sometimes they are outright competitors, and other times they are partners. The term “co-petition” exists because every […]

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What is application modernization?

Achieving flexibility and portability requires a new approach to designing, building, and deploying applications—especially when addressing traditional applications, or “monoliths.” Technologies such as APIs, microservices, Kubernetes and containers are used to cloud-enable traditional applications, achieving portability, security, and scalability while meeting marketplace demands. Application modernization is a key step in your organization’s digital transformation and […]

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Taste the Feeling of Storage Efficiency

At Coca-Cola, satiating thirsty drinkers is a data-driven business. As a global total beverage company with over 500 brands and operating in over 200 countries, a relentless focus on data keeps the company efficient. 

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Major Macau Bank Tames Unstructured Data Growth with Cloud Object Storage

For banks, data is a complex matter. Unlike many other industries, data in banking is regulated and critical for daily operations. Their services rely on it to respond fast, while regulators require it for compliance. So, it is not surprising that banks face a tsunami in data growth.

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Citistore Speeds Up SAP Modernization with Linux on IBM Power9

In today’s retail landscape, decisions are made at lightspeed. It is why a robust enterprise resource planning (ERP) system lies at the heart of every successful retailer. Citistore Hong Kong Limited (Citistore) was no different. Since its founding in 1989, Citistore grew to become Hong Kong’s famous department store by delivering products that consumers want […]

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2020 IBM X-Force 威脅情報指數報告詳解網絡攻擊最主要的三大初始媒介

IBM Security 於上週公佈了 2020 年 IBM X-Force 威脅情報指數報告。報告重點闡述了數十年來犯罪技術經歷了怎樣的演變,在此期間網絡犯罪技術非法訪問了數百億條企業記錄和個人記錄,並利用了數十萬個軟件缺陷。報告顯示,在首次遭受攻擊的受害者中,有 60% 是源於過往被盜憑證或已知軟件漏洞,攻擊者無需大費周章實施詐騙就能獲得訪問權限。

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IBM Systems Hardware 2020 Hong Kong Calendar

Kung hei fat choi! Happy new year! The folks at IBM Hong Kong’s Systems Hardware team has created a special “Digital” 2020 Hong Kong calendar that can be used as desktop wallpaper for your computers.

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IBM Security Summit:以新時代思維推動保安創新

  創新要在安全的基礎上才能持續發展,保安也需要創新來應對日新月異的威脅。這是不久前舉行的 IBM Security Summit 以「Security for Innovation. Innovation for Security」所傳遞的訊息。

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IBM Security Summit: Security Innovation Needs New Era Rethink

Innovation and security are entwined. Sustainable innovation needs robust security, while security needs innovation to tackle evolving threats. It was the main takeaway at the IBM Security Summit titled “Security for Innovation. Innovation for Security.”

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