Extreme Blue – the 5th week networking session

Extreme Blue teams in Belgium have carried out a networking session at IBM Belgium restaurant. The goal of this session has been, in one hand, to make known Extreme Blue program to other IBMers. Extreme Blue students have tried to explain their project to people who have never heard before about it. On the other […]

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Big Data and the festival season: The more data, the better the festival

A blogpost by Patrick Billens In Belgium between June and September more than 400 festivals are organized. Thousands to millions of visitors will crawl the overcrowded streets and squares of our cities to enjoy music, dance, theater and terraces. Think of the Gentse Feesten, Summer of Antwerp or Les Francofolies in Spa. In the media […]

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App-explosie bedreiging voor mobiele omgeving

Tijd om afscheid te nemen van defensief beveiligingsbeleid De veiligheid van mobiele apparaten wordt steeds vaker ter discussie gesteld. Niet zelden berichten media over de ontdekking van malware op mobiele apparaten die het ontvreemden van gevoelige informatie zoals bankgegevens mogelijk maakt. Het European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) waarschuwt zelfs dat smart devices het […]

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Extreme Blue: the third Belgian team

For the last few weeks, the Extreme Blue students have been evaluating ideas. Then, students have narrowed those ideas down into three key concepts. “Narrowing down these ideas has been the most difficult part so far”. Finally, together with the client, they will come up with only one idea that they will build one final […]

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Why BYOD security will be up to snuff by 2014

By Marc van Zadelhoff, Vice President, Strategy and Product Management, IBM Security System Here is a bold suggestion: mobile technology actually could be more secure than traditional computing by 2014. While this prediction may seem far-fetched, it’s based on existing security control trends. Companies are adopting best practices that are rapidly enabling mobile computing to […]

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Health, Safety and Environment: how does your organization cope with increased complexity?

By Eric Luyer, Market Manager for IBM Asset Management, Industrial Manufacturing Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) activities are a global challenge for every company, regardless of your location – USA, Europe or Asia/Pacific. All over the world there is a growing focus to safeguard the wellbeing of our employees and consumers, but also to keep […]

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Is the Cloud Game Over?

By Bart Bogaert, Business Development Executive for Cloud in IBM’s Benelux Innovation & Technology Group Four years ago, I started to engage with telecom customers on positioning ‘streamed gaming’: hosting gaming hardware in the network center and streaming the game graphics as a video stream to the gamer at home over the IP network on […]

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Extreme Blue Belgium: team 2

Extreme Blue Belgium is composed of three teams. Last week you had the occasion of knowing one of the teams. Now, let´s meet the second team. Like the other teams, they use their expertise and of course the tips and tricks they are learning in the trainings that they are following within the Extreme Blue […]

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Volunteering couldn’t get any easier!

Signing up for the World Community Grid – a 5 Step Process Personal computers only use a fraction of their computing power- the rest of the time (when computers are switched on), our computers sit idly and that computing capacity essentially goes to waste.  IBM, along with its partners, has found a way to benevolently […]

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