Lucipher: First place for secure cloud storage

This article will be published in the next edition of the IBM Inspire Beyond Today’s Technology magazine ( IBM Mentor Day offers an opportunity for Benelux software developers to gain invaluable advice and support from industry experts. This year, first prize at the event went to Dutch software company Lucipher with their innovative solution for […]

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IBM helps to improve breast cancer information campaigns

Breast cancer is in Belgium the number one cause of death for women. One out of every nine women will be confronted with breast cancer throughout her life cycle. Despite these staggering numbers, still many women are insufficiently informed about the disease. As an extension of the Minerva Project for breast cancer information, Pink Ribbon […]

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IBM Study: C-suite Leaders Look to Customers to Steer Business Strategy

Customers become the “new” business advisors to the C-suite; 90 percent of senior leaders expect extensive collaboration with customers within the next five years Armonk, N.Y. – 7 Oct 2013: Despite expressing an unprecedented commitment to direct customer influence on their business decisions and operations, one-third of CEOs worry that the rest of the C-suite […]

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The ultimate in Big Data: Processing everything in the entire universe since time began

Professor Michael Garrett is allowed to be a little nonchalant about the current interest in Big Data. As a leading radio astronomer, he scans outer space for radio waves that might indicate intelligent life on other planets. He gathers, processes and analyzes as much data as possible from the entire known universe, going back to […]

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How to manage the aging assets in your organization?

By Eric Luyer, Marketing Manager, Corporate Asset and Facilities Management IBM Software Group Extending the life of aging infrastructures in your organization is a common goal for all asset owners, operators or service providers. Under the current economic conditions many companies are looking for ways to reduce cost and to manage assets in a much […]

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7th Video Extreme Blue

Last week, Extreme Blue Belgium visited the IBM Lab in La Gaude, in France. The students spent some hours there where they found out some of the last innovations of IBM. They tried some of them out. Extreme Blue students were quite excited about it. Once they finished the visit to the lab, they moved […]

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Two-factor authenticatie als onmisbare sleutel in digitale beveiliging

Blog door Peter Volckaert, IT Security Architect. In juni werd Wired-journalist Matt Honan het slachtoffer van hackers. Zij wisten de controle over Honan’s Twitter-account te bemachtigen, door gaten in de beveiliging van Apple, Amazon en Google te benutten. Het uiteindelijke resultaat: ze sloten zijn Gmail-account, verwijderden zijn iCloud-data en maakten misbruik van zijn Twitter-account door […]

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6Th Video Blog Extreme Blue Belgium Mentors

After many weeks of working together, Extreme Blue Belgium is coming to an end. The students have already started the prototyping phase.  “They have to choose the technologies they have to work with. Sometimes it is technology they have never worked with so there is a learning process there”- said Hirem Pervaz, Extreme Blue Belgium […]

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Smart TV Alliance: TP Vision en IBM bouwen samen aan de televisie van de toekomst

TP Vision, gevestigd in Amsterdam, houdt zich bezig met de ontwikkeling, productie en marketing van alle Philips tv’s in Europa, Latijns-Amerika en Rusland. Het bedrijf is voor 70 procent eigendom van het Chinese TPV en voor 30 procent van het Nederlandse Philips. Het bedrijf is vastbesloten een verschil te maken op de dynamische tv-markt. Daarom […]

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