Data & AI

How technology supports the best people flow experience at KONE

Manufacturers increasingly add digital components to their traditional products. This is usually on the basis of sensors within the hardware, which generate data about for example the functioning, use and condition of maintenance. KONE, manufacturer of lifts and escalators goes even further. They combine this data flow with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Not only in […]

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Technology makes Saint-Nicholas’ work easier

My daughter Clémence is both nervous and excited by the perspective of Saint-Nicholas arriving with her presents. She posted her wish-list in a letter to him in Spain. What she doesn’t realize is the pressure her expectation generates in the supply chain. As an Industry Solutions Executive at IBM I mainly work with retailers and […]

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Ultra short time to market with AI? It is possible!

Time to market is a distinctive success factor in the digital age. This certainly applies to the development of new or improved products and services, and creating an optimal relationship with the customer. An intelligent handling of data can help. This does not have to take weeks or months anymore. The role of data scientists […]

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International Diabetes Federation Europe and IBM partner in ‘augmented research’ for insights into patient care

For years, diabetes has grown at an alarming rate. According to the World Health Organization, there are now 60 million people with diabetes in Europe alone. In preparation for World Diabetes Day 2017, the European branch of the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF Europe)* decided to investigate how to improve diabetes care in Europe through their […]

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Partnership creates intelligent cloud

The IT environment has increasingly evolved into a combination of diverse cloud services, complemented by on-premises systems. Software-driven intelligence and automation help to get the most out of such a hybrid landscape. This creates new opportunities for IT service providers. Take the Belgian NRB, for example, which offers customers a unique self-service cloud brokerage platform. […]

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IBM Think 2018 – The Netherlands attract attention in Las Vegas

There was quite a sensation at the recent IBM Think 2018-Congress in Las Vegas. Dutch representatives of large Dutch organisations including the Port of Rotterdam and Schiphol Airport were presented there as stars. Not only with photos and quotes on the gigantic billboards on The Strip, the most important thoroughfare of America’s gambling capital, but […]

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Analytics: essential for a future-oriented CFO

Over the past few years, finance departments have evolved to real value-adding powerhouses, driving strategic planning and implementation. To spur this development, it is essential that finance gains more and more insights, not only into their own organization, but also in the broader sector, the market and into trends that are likely to shape the […]

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Indaver plans, budgets and consolidates with IBM and Keyrus

Managing finance within a regionally organized group can be quite a complex process. Having the right tools at your disposal can mean a world of difference. That is what Indaver thought as well. The international waste management group recently integrated both IBM’s Cognos TM1 tool for planning and reporting, and IBM Cognos Controller for the […]

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Avebe – Financial consolidation in the cloud

To increase business agility, you need to make high-quality decisions based on timely performance information. But how to reconcile your figures fast, with subsidiaries all around the world? Avebe transformed its agility by switching to a cloud-based solution integrated with SAP ERP for rapid, automated financial consolidation. Users can now view up-to-date performance data anytime, […]

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