
Artificial intelligence and rat traps are not two things that you naturally want to connect

Artificial intelligence and rat traps are not two things that you naturally want to connect, but together they make a new, poison-free method of fighting rats. Throughout 2018, Køge Municipality will test this method with 350 intelligent traps. We are proud of our Business Partner Arctic System, who has developed and produced RATMO, a Rat […]

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IBM Watson Developer Cloud Workshop for IBM Business Partners!

IBM invites you to join our IBM Watson Developer Cloud Workshop on the 14th and 15th of March 2018 at IBM Client Center Holte. The IBM Watson Developer Cloud Getting Started Workshop is a 2 day hands-on event to help IBM Business Partners understand IBM’s Cognitive Computing point of view and how IBM Watson on […]

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Only two months to go until IBM Think 2018 – a first-of-its-kind global IBM event that gathers 40,000 of the world’s most inspiring innovators, leaders, and thinkers in one place. Industry luminaries will host 14+ Innovation talks, 10+ Keynotes delivered by IBM’s senior leaders, and 500+ client sessions showcasing how they are disrupting the markets […]

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The future labor market is created together with robots.

Humans dare to dream big – machines cannot On a regular basis, the media landscape is invaded by scare stories about technologies that take our jobs or overtake us. In example, Elon Musk recently took a tour of the media mill with an opinion that a third world war would be about artificial intelligence; however, […]

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Join our webinar on IBM Services with Watson

Join me when I introduce IBM’s view on the future IT operation approach. I will address the increasing demands for availability and the technology shift – going from fire-fighting to smoke detection. Together with several Nordic Customers, IBM has enhanced the current human led delivery to become a technology led execution using cognitive computing. By applying this approach, statistics have proven that customers […]

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Elementary, Dear Watson!

Since the big breakthrough in 2011, IBM Watson has been on everybody’s lips – it has become elementary to get started with IBM Watson! On January 24th in Copenhagen we will learn not only about Watson and how it has become elementary, but also how the Watson Technology is used by different customers and partners. […]

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What the wise men of retail should analyse this Christmas

It’s coming up to Christmas and for anyone in the retail or the retail marketing business, it’s a great time to get customer insights – before, during and after the holiday season. To do this, retailers need to follow social media channels. However, ordinary social media analysis usually means wading through a range of individual analysis […]

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IBM Watson eHealth Meetup in Copenhagen

It is our pleasure to invite you to an informal meetup in Soho, Kødbyen in Copenhagen about IBM Watson and IoT within the health sector. Meet a range of experts within the field and learn more about related issues, such as: How does IBM work with eHealth ecosystems partners to create innovative solutions for municipalities […]

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Nordic IBM Cloud Garage open for business

At Watson Summit Copenhagen we officially announced that the Nordic IBM Cloud Garage is open for business. Integrated in the SOHO start-up community in the Meatpacking District in Copenhagen the IBM Cloud Garage will serve as a Nordic hub, fueling innovation for clients in the Nordic region. Disruption is top on the agenda for any […]

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