Serverless and how to leverage the advantages?

How do you write and deploy code without the hassle of worrying about the underlying infrastructure? In this lightboard video, Ashher Syed from IBM Cloud, walks through how serverless computing can help developers solely focus on writing and deploying their applications without the headaches of managing any infrastructure. If you are keen on learning more, […]

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Ansible: Automate repetitive system administration tasks

How can you replace your repetitive, mundane IT tasks and become more productive and efficient? Ansible is the key! In the following lightboard video, Sai Vennam from IBM Cloud, visually explains how Ansible, an open source IT automation tool originally developed by Red Hat, can help you automate repetitive system administration tasks by walking through […]

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Introducing IBM Cloud Code Engine

In this blog, I will introduce you to IBM Cloud Code Engine that is now available as a beta version. IBM Cloud Code Engine is a fully managed, serverless platform that runs your containerized workloads. These workloads can include everything from web apps, microservices, event-driven functions, or batch jobs. In the video below, Sai Vennam […]

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How cloud and AI work together

The majority of IT leaders think that a unified cloud, data and AI platform is crucial to long-term success according to the Oxford Economics study report “Greater than the sum of their parts: How cloud and AI work together”. A teaser of the report Oxford Economics and IBM have surveyed 6,000 CIOs, CTOs, and senior […]

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Webinar: How to improve employee performance with Watson Discovery

Did you know that the average knowledge worker spends 20-30% of their day looking for information? Watson Discovery can help bring down that number. IBM has recently introduced Expert Assist to reduce the time it takes to find answers and insights from thousands of text-based documents and eliminate the repetitive search tasks we spend hours […]

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Digital acceleration in times of COVID-19

Recently, IBM Institute for Business Value has announced a new report that is addressing which technologies are driving growth through digital acceleration in a time of crisis. Today, organizations need to be able to engage customers and employees in both physical and digital domains. However, current events have been challenging as industries and enterprises react […]

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How to Convert Good Intentions to Real Sustainability – Adopt YGWYM!

There’s an old expression that says “You Get What You Measure” (YGWYM).  This may be a little clichéd, but it generally holds true within organizations and processes. It’s our nature as humans to shoot for the objectives that have been set, and it is human nature to pay particular attention to the actionable metrics which are […]

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IDC and IBM discussed the future of application modernization on SAP

On 28th September 2020, Allan Coulter (IBM’s Global CTO for SAP Services) and John O’Brien (IDC’s European Intelligent Application Services Research Director) shared a fireside chat on the future of application modernization on SAP. Below, John has outlined his thoughts on the topic and the discussion from the webinar: It’s a fascinating and highly relevant […]

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3 reasons for IBM being a leader in IaaS in 2020

IBM has been named a leader in the IaaS Value Matrix 2020 by Nucleus Research, but the question is why? In 2020, IBM was put in the leader section when assessing the various infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) vendors. It has been placed alongside Microsoft Azure and AWS. The judgement has been based on functionality and usability parameters. […]

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