Internet of Things

How It Works: Internet of Things

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The Internet of Things gives us access to the data from millions of devices. But how does it work, and what can we do with all that data? Find out in this animated tutorial from IBM’s Think Academy.

Click on the video below to see how Internet of Things (IoT) works:

The IoT is now a reality due to the convergence of several technologies

A “thing” is any object or device with embedded electronics that can transfer data over a network — without any human interaction. So imagine if you had smart devices in your car, your workplace or even on yourself.

The Internet of Things can make running your enterprise easier and reinvent the way you interact with the physical world.

What does IoT mean for business?

As almost everything — from cars to crops to conveyor belts — becomes connected, IoT is changing the way businesses operate. By combining IoT data with cognitive computing, business can extract valuable insights to improve virtually every aspect of their operations and enable innovative, new business models.

For instance, in a connected building, data can be used to save energy and for predictive maintenance. Sensors on the production line can increase efficiency. In-store devices can help retailers improve the customer experience. And medical data from wearable devices can be used to save lives.

Click here, to learn more about IoT, and the different possibilities it brings about.

For any further questions do not hesitate to contact me at


Technical Sales for IoT Solutions, IBM Watson IoT

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